How to get pregnant with irregular periods?

The ovulation cycle of a woman plays a very important role in getting pregnant. Each woman has a cycle that continues for 28-30 days. The time of ovulation comes on the 14th day of the cycle. It  is the time when your ovaries release fertile eggs and increases your chances of conception.

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While such is the case for most women, some tend to suffer from irregular periods, which disrupts their entire cycle and makes it difficult for them to calculate their ovulation days. It often leads to them missing out on their fertile time of the month which further leads to failure in conception. Irregular periods can also be caused by certain conditions which can lead to infertility. Let’s study what causes irregular periods and how to get pregnant with irregular periods in this blog. 

Medical issues that causes irregular periods

Missed menstrual cycles can be related to certain health issues such as:

Endometriosis: Endometriosis arises when the endometrial tissue develops outside of the uterus. The tissue tends to stick to the ovaries or fallopian tubes. Endometriosis can cause irregular bleeding, cramping, and severe discomfort prior to and during periods.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): PID is a bacterial infection that impacts the female reproductive system. It is usually the result of an untreated sexually transmitted infection (STI). Bacteria enter the vaginal cavity and spread to the uterus and upper genital tract. A thick discharge from the vagina with a foul smell, irregular periods, and pelvic pain are all symptoms of PID.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome: PCOS occurs when your ovaries produce excessive amounts of androgens, a type of hormone. This hormone suppresses or delays ovulation, resulting in irregular menstrual cycles. PCOS patients may experience a total halt of menstruation.

Primary ovarian insufficiency: The condition affects cisgender women under the age of 40 whose ovaries do not function properly, resulting in missed or irregular periods. It can happen after cancer treatment with chemotherapy and radiation, or if you’re suffering from certain autoimmune diseases.

Thyroid or pituitary gland dysfunction: Hormones are affected by hypothyroidism (inactive thyroid), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), and other thyroid or pituitary gland illnesses. As a result, your period will be irregular.

Bleeding disorders: If you suffer from a bleeding disorder or a blood clotting condition, you may experience severe monthly bleeding.

Uterine or ovarian cancer: Some tumors can interfere with a person’s menstrual cycle. Changes may include heavier-than-usual bleeding or skipped periods.

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How is the cause of irregular periods diagnosed?

Your doctor will inquire about your medical history and menstrual cycle in order to diagnose irregular periods. They will conduct a pelvic exam as part of their physical assessment. Additionally, they may request specific testing, such as:

Pelvic ultrasonography: An ultrasonography can identify abnormal bleeding brought on by an ovarian cyst, polyps, or uterine fibroids.

Endometrial biopsy: A tiny piece of tissue from the inner wall of your uterus is taken out by the doctor. It can assist in the diagnosis of precancerous cells, endometriosis, and hormonal abnormalities.

Hysteroscopy: This procedure lets your doctor examine the inside of your uterus to identify and address a number of causes as to why you are bleeding abnormally.

How to conceive with irregular periods?

If your irregular cycles have been making it challenging for you to conceive, consult with your doctor to see if there is a method to get them back on track. This can include attempting to reduce your stress levels, reducing your intensity of exercise, treating an underlying thyroid disease, or employing treatments to regulate your cycle. Your doctor can also do an assessment of hormone levels, suggest you some fertility inducing medications and potentially conduct an ultrasound examination. 

There are several treatments available depending on your doctor’s diagnosis and your fertility goals. Rest assured that having irregular periods isn’t going to prevent you from having a healthy pregnancy and a child. 


Does irregular periods affect pregnancy?

Ovulation irregularity or abnormality contributes to 30% to 40% of all cases of infertility. If you have periods that are inconsistent, no periods, or unusual bleeding, it is likely that you are not ovulating, a condition clinically identified as anovulation.

Can you get pregnant without having a period for 6 months?

Secondary amenorrhea occurs when you have periods and subsequently they stop, usually for more than three months. You can get pregnant even if you have no periods. You may be unaware of what prompted your periods to end. Pregnancy, hormonal changes, and rapid weight loss or gain are all possible causes.

What are the signs of pregnancy when you have irregular periods?

Even if you have irregular periods, you can know whether you’re pregnant if you have symptoms of pregnancy other than a missed period, such as implantation bleeding, nausea, enlarged or sore breasts, exhaustion, frequent urination, mood swings, headaches, backaches, and changes in food cravings or aversions.

Which is the best fertility treatment?

In comparison to other reproductive treatments, IVF has the best success rate. The treatment falls under the category of assisted reproductive technologies and tackles a wide range of fertility issues. IVF can treat both male and female infertility by fertilizing the egg in the lab and implanting it in the uterus.

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एनओव्यूलेशन (Anovulation) : पहचान, कारण और इलाज

एनओव्यूलेशन (Anovulation) एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें महिला के मासिक चक्र (period cycle) के दौरान ओव्यूलेशन नहीं होता है, यानी कोई अंडाणु (egg) रिलीज नहीं होता। इस स्थिति में गर्भधारण करना मुश्किल हो जाता है, क्योंकि अंडाणु के बिना गर्भधारण संभव नहीं होता।