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Blastocyst Transfer


What is Blastocyst Transfer?
A blastocyst refers to an embryo that has grown to a phase where it starts to build a core in liquid. This usually happens after 5-8 days of ovulation and is considered a major part of embryo development. A blastocyst transfer is the transfer of one or more of that embryo from the laboratory to the uterus of a woman.

This process of transfer is usually done after 5-6 days of follicular aspiration. For the same, the doctor generally removes the ovum from the ovary, and fertilizes it with the help of IVF method. Sometimes, ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) method is used for the fertilization process. During the transfer, the doctor puts more than one blastocyst in the uterus of the woman. Till the fifth day, the embryo is developed in an incubator before it gets transferred to the uterus of the woman.
Why is this performed?

Embryos which are developed using blastocyst transfer method are more likely to result in pregnancy than the normal ones. In addition, they progress better in the early stages of the embryo. Various studies show that the embryos which are developed by using the blastocyst method of development are found to be the healthiest ones, and have the capability to grow and survive. This is a result of natural selection.

Benefits of Blastocyst Transfer

The foremost advantage of blastocyst transfer method is that embryos which are developed using this method have the highest chances of resulting in pregnancy. Also, using the blastocyst transfer method, you can use the embryo of your preference. This means that one can use the best embryos and maintain successful pregnancy rates.

With the help of blastocyst transfer, the chances of getting pregnant is exceptionally high. Compared to embryo transfer at an early stage, there is a 7% increase in the odds of pregnancy occurring. In women of age group 30, it is found that the success rate is around 45% to 50%. In women who are in the age group of 30-40 years, the rate of getting pregnant is around 35% to 40%. The blastocyst method doesn’t work the same for all the women, and this method isn’t very successful with women who have low egg count. In such women, the embryo is transferred to the uterus of the woman at an earlier stage for better outcomes.

Fast Facts:

This treatment is best suited to patients

With blocked tubes

With Endometriosis


Doctor Speaks


Implantation bleeding is an early indication of pregnancy that happens when a fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall. It can produce minor bleeding (or spotting) for up to two days. Implantation bleeding is considered a normal part of the pregnancy.
Epididymitis is inflammation of the sperm-carrying tube in the rear of your testicle. The swelling might cause severe pain in your testicle and scrotum. It can happen at any age. However, it is most common among those aged 14 to 35.

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