Progenesis IVF Fertility Center- Pune


Succesful IVF


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About The Best IVF Center in Pune

Our chain of fertility clinic is one of the most successful IVF center in Pune, having completed more than 10,000+ successful IVFs. Our ART lab and IVF doctors, who have more than 45 years of combined experience,

Infront of Reliance Digital, Kataria Chambers, ITI Rd, Sanewadi, Aundh, Pune 411007


Our Expertise

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is the fertility treatment where sperms are inserted directly into the women’s cervix, fallopian tubes or uterus at the time of ovulation to enhance chances of fertilization.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a procedure in which mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized by sperms in the lab. The embryo thus formed is transferred to the uterus to achieve conception.

ICSI is a specialized form of IVF often recommended after multiple failed fertilization attempts through conventional IVF or sometimes after egg freezing.

LAH is a procedure wherein the outer shell (zona pellucida) of a fertilized egg is gently thinned using an ultramodern laser. The process improves the chance of better hatching and embryo implantation into uterus

Blastocyst embryo transfer is a specialised In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) technique in which an embryo cultured to the blastocyst stage is transferred to the women’s uterus.

Oocyte donation involves egg retrieval from the donor, in which a fertile woman donates an egg, or oocyte, to another woman to help her conceive.

Embryo donation is often recommended when the couple is unable to conceive through IVF using their own sperms and eggs. In this case the couple can choose to adopt a healthy embryo for a successful course of pregnancy.

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure, a part of fertility testing,wherein a doctor evaluates thethe structures of the reproductive system, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

Meet Our Doctors

"The best IVF center in Pune with Best Results"

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What People Say​

I am very happy because i got result in firat cycle ,Nice experience and got result in just 5 months...we are blessed with baby girl ... thanks progenesis pune team and all staff.
Renuka Raut
The experience in progenesis was very great...7-8 months over I am taking treatment over here.. all of them have guide me very calmy..and all staffs are very supportive
Dipali Mohare
Hello, the experience in progenesis was great..All staff are very very supportive, cooperative. Always ready to solve queries or any problem if we are facing..
Sonali Vitkar
We had a great experience at progenesis IVF center , allover staff is very great and kind they all helping us... thank u so much team and wonderfull experience and great caring ..... really thank you progenesis
Seema Dongare
Great experience 👍..everyone is became like a family....the provide best solution and guidance and best treatment, every process they have explained in simple way..
आम्ही खूप खुश आहोत आज आमचा 1st स्कॅन झालं आणि आम्हाला 2 babies काँसिइव्ह झाले आहेत, माझा लग्नाला 11 वर्ष झाले आहेत आणि आम्ही लग्नाचा 1 वर्षा नांतरच बाळासाठी प्रयत्न करत होतो आणि एवढ्या वर्षानंतर positive result भेटला आधी आम्ही 7 ते 8 iui केले 5 ते 6 होपशीतल फिरलो पण कुठेच result नाही भेटला, पूर्ण staff आणि डॉक्टर्स चे खूप खूप धन्यवाद 😄🎊
Santosh Pingale
We have wonderful experience with i done my first ANC scan and i am conceived with single child, i am so so happy the staff here is too co operative and kind thank u so much whole team for supporting us in this journey. They understand the history as per that treatment is suggested.... Weare thankful to all team
Pallavi Patil
Best experience, we heartedly thank the entire team of progenesis and all doctors for giving us positive result, today we done our first ANC scan and we conceived with single baby, we heard heartbeat of patient, we are so happy today thank u so much whole team
Komal Jagtap
Hamari 1st visit thi yaha..Hot star pe add dekhane ke bad hame positive LA ga fir ya ha aaye visit ke liye aaye...we feel nice n all doctors are is good..staff is active
Hello, the experience in progenesis was great..All staff are very very supportive, cooperative. Always ready to solve queries or any problem if we are facing..
Priya parate


You can reach us at the address mentioned above or you can call us on +91-942 397 1620.

If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for over a year and have not gotten a positive result, you should visit a Fertility Consultant and have your primary checkups done. It is also advised that people in their 20s and early 30s who are trying to conceive refrain from using birth control for 12 months.

IVF is a treatment of choice, but it can certainly be a good option for people diagnosed with specific infertility issues like blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, male factor infertility, and unexplained infertility. But before going forward with the treatment, it is necessary to take a thorough medical exam and talk to the doctor about the pros and cons.

At Pune Center, we provide all advanced infertility treatments under one roof. Based on the in-depth diagnosis of couples and adoption of world-class techniques we provide-

• Lased Assisted Hatching
• Frozen Embryo Transfer
• Blastocyst Transfer
• Sequential Embryo Transfer

The cost of IVF treatment at Pune center varies depending on the type of treatment that supports your fertility needs. As a result, the cost will be determined after the couple’s in-depth assessment and evaluation.

When you are trying to get pregnant for a longtime or are dealing with infertility issues, all you need is genuine advice and the best care. It is very important to select a clinic that not only offers you ethically sound treatment but also has the best team of IVF specialists who can take care of you during your tough times. Progenesis Fertility Center is the support you can count on,  Progenesis IVF center is the best IVF center in Pune. 

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