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Tubal Blockage

Tubal Blockage Symptoms and Treatment

Blockage in fallopian tubes is a quite common factor contributing to female infertility. Fallopian tubes connect ovaries to the uterus and are responsible for picking up the egg released from ovaries during ovulation, transportation of egg, sperm and resultant embryo. Blockage in the fallopian tubes creates a hurdle in their functioning making natural conception difficult.
Symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes:
Around 25-35% of female infertility can be attributed to tubal blockage. This can be present with various symptoms.

Tubal blockage can be attributed to a number of causes.

Blockages in fallopian tubes can be diagnosed through sonosalpingography HSG or hysterolaparoscopy. While its management depends on a number of factors like extent of blockage, associated pathologies, presence of hydrosalpinx (accumulation of serous or clear fluid), patient’s age and other factors affecting fertility.

In young patients without any other issues, tubal recanalization can be done laparoscopically. However, there is a possibility that the tubes can get blocked again. In all other patients, IVF/ICSI should be considered.

Tubal blockage can be kept at bay with proper genital health, menstrual hygiene and safe sexual practice. With regular medication and a healthy diet, 60 out of 100 women get pregnant after IVF treatment in tubal blockage.

Fast Facts:

Signs of Tubal Blockage

Unable to get pregnant

Mild, regular pain on
one side of the abdomen

Doctor Speaks


A trigger shot is a hormone injection used in fertility treatments to promote egg maturation and release from the ovaries. It's also called an HCG shot since it typically contains the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).
एनओव्यूलेशन (Anovulation) एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें महिला के मासिक चक्र (period cycle) के दौरान ओव्यूलेशन नहीं होता है, यानी कोई अंडाणु (egg) रिलीज नहीं होता। इस स्थिति में गर्भधारण करना मुश्किल हो जाता है, क्योंकि अंडाणु के बिना गर्भधारण संभव नहीं होता।

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