Overview of the Surrogacy Process

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Infertility can be caused due to various reasons, some known and some unknown. While no individual has much to do about their fertility conditions, except for a change in their lifestyles, the choice of treatments is definitely there!

Unlike before when the idea of infertility was not so popular and most women were to be blamed for the same, it has evolved through times and now, most people are educated enough to understand that both the genders can have reproductive health abnormalities and infertility is never based on a particular gender.

Along with the change in mentalities of the society, one more revolutionary change is the treatment options available for the infertile individuals to deal with their infertility. Some people can be treated with medicines and surgical methods while some needs to go through IVF procedures for the same. But all in all, it is good news that infertile couples today have several options in front of them to have their own child even though they have infertility issues.

This ray of hope is enough to make these unfortunate couples happy and undergo treatments for the same. Out of all the IVF or in vitro fertilization treatments available for the infertile couples, surrogacy is quite common. And if you are also confused as to why surrogacy is best or whether you must choose the surrogacy treatments or not, read below to clear your doubts.

What is the surrogacy procedure all about?

Well, the process of surrogacy can be useful in cases of both male and female infertility, but mostly preferred for female infertility only. If the male partner is fertile but the female partner is infertile then the sperm from the male partner is collected by fertility experts and transferred to the surrogate mother’s uterus through the process of artificial insemination.

In this developed technological era, this process is executed without any physical intercourse between the surrogate mother and the male partner unlike previously when the option of artificial insemination was not there and couples need to undergo sexual intercourse for the facilitation the same process.

Even if the male partner is also infertile, the couple can hire a surrogate mother and sperm donor for executing the process of surrogacy but the child born through the process would be of the couple who hired the donor and the surrogate mother. Sometimes even the fertilization can be done in vitro, i.e. outside the body of the woman and the fertilized eggs can be transferred to her fallopian tube for further processing of the childbirth procedure.

Types of surrogate mothers and how they are hired

There are two forms of surrogacy- gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy. In the former, the child born through the procedure has no link with the surrogate mother i.e. she is not the biological mother of the child. But in case of traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother’s eggs are used and she becomes the biological mother of the baby born through the process.

But in both the cases, the surrogate mother cannot claim the baby under any circumstances; she is bound to handle the child to the ones who hired her for just lending her womb and giving birth to the child.

This entire process is done legally where both the parties need to sign legal agreements stating that the surrogate mother has no rights over the child and thus the ones who are hiring her are the parents of the child to be born through the process of surrogacy.

It is an easy process wherein, the surrogate mother lends her womb to the infertile couples in exchange of money (or any other thing that she may demand), in agreement to which the couple hires her for giving birth to either their biological or non-biological child.

Final thoughts

It’s high time our society realizes the importance of reproductive health and start taking care of their fertility. Though in some cases, the conditions are purely clinical, in most infertility cases today, the impact of unhealthy lifestyles is immense.

People are high on smoking and drinking, have irregular eating and sleeping habits, takes too much stress, keeps themselves busy at a greyer extent and then blame their reproductive health to be problematic.

All these lifestyle factors play a vital role in deciding your fertility and hence, before getting the fertility treatment done for your inability to give birth, make sure you are living a healthy life. Unless you are responsible for your reproductive health, it is difficult to even proceed with the infertility treatments as well.

Couples today are lucky to have so many infertility treatments options available in front of them out of which surrogacy is definitely one of the best choices they can make. Thus there is nothing to worry about if you are intending for a surrogacy treatment for your infertility issues!

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