Do I Need a Second Opinion about My Infertility Diagnosis?

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Infertility is something that none of us wants to experience. It is painful, demeaning and makes the couple vulnerable.  In fact, it also takes a significant toll on the couple’s interpersonal relationship.  It is essential to treat infertility as the sooner it is done, the better it is for the couple.

When it comes to infertility, it very natural that the couple becomes vulnerable and is ready to begin any treatment that is recommended by the doctor, or for that matter anybody who is remotely related to the field of infertility treatments. Sometimes couples lose their control and take the wrong decisions without giving it the due course of time and end up with failure in the treatment and then regret it all their life. Some treatments may have side effects which have an adverse impact on the health of the couple and stays with the couple forever. In such situations, the couples consulting a doctor for infertility treatment are often advised to take a second opinion.

There will be several times that the couple may think of switching the doctor or consulting a doctor out of skepticism and there can be times that the couple despite the treatment being flawed trust the doctor with all their chances of having a baby. Both the extreme cases are incorrect. The couple should keep calm and consult another doctor to take his opinion to be safe and to be assured that the treatment they are seeking is right.

Here are the reasons why a couple should take a second opinion:

  • Just like every other disease or disorder, the first step towards restoring health is its diagnosis. The success rate of the treatment is directly proportional to its diagnosis. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the sooner the patient can recover. It is the universal rule and applies to infertility also. The sooner the reason for infertility is discovered, the different way of childbirth can be explored, and the couple has more time to take treatments and think of assisted pregnancy methods.

Infertility treatment is a necessary, time consuming, complicated, expensive and acute treatment. It is essential that the diagnosis is right, and only when the treatment is begun.

Taking opinion from another doctor assures that the various perspectives of the different doctors can give you the final verdict of the actual reason for your infertility can be identified.

  • It is not only at the beginning of the treatment that the couple should seek a second advise, but also during the procedure. It is essential that you know the improvements that you have gone through during the whole treatment cycle. A doctor will always be positive towards the treatment that he has offered you and hope for the desired results, but it is essential that the progress of the treatment is cross-checked once by an external neutral doctor. Hence the couple should take an alternative opinion.
  • There can be several treatments that can be given to the same infertility issue. Every doctor has his own convenient treatment flow that has yielded him with positive results in the past and trusted that method. It is a natural tendency of any doctor to use the same treatment method for other patients too. But everyone has different bodies and different ways of reacting to the same process. So what worked for someone else might not work for you.

If you take second advice from a different doctor, you explore options of treatments and can choose the treatment you think would suit you the best.

  • When you seek a second opinion, you come to know the various treatment at your disposal. This helps you evaluate the expenses, the time and the side-effects (if any ) of the different procedures and of the different doctors. Since different doctors have suggested different treatments at different costs and also have different success rates, you can choose the shorter duration treatment, the cheaper doctor fees, pick the clinic with more facilities, and the doctor with the maximum success rate and above all choose the doctor which your instinct suggests.

After taking second advice, you can choose a different treatment altogether, ask your existing doctor to make some modifications in the plan, add or remove some dietary and lifestyle controls, or be assured that the treatment you have decided to take is on the right paths.

Taking an opinion from another doctor will help you understand your infertility issues and treatment better, knowing what is happening and will follow improves the faith and trust and makes the procedure all the more effective. Fertility treatment is very crucial and being assured about everything is very important. Thus, taking the second option for your infertility treatment is a must!

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