Premature Ovarian Failure: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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Ovaries produce estrogen which stimulates and regulates the ovulation and menstrual cycles. When the woman is nearing her menopause, the ovaries become less functional. It means that the estrogen production is reduced and the fertility is affected.

This is a natural process in women. If the ovaries stop producing estrogen at an early stage, it is called a premature ovarian failure.

Ovaries are an important reproduction part. If the ovaries get affected at an early stage, the women are prone to several problems like infertility, disturbed menstrual and ovulation cycles, uncontrolled emotional breakdown, anxiety, restlessness, and many other things. It disturbs the whole bodily cycle.

The major symptoms of premature ovarian failure are irregular periods, mood swings, sleeplessness, hot flashes and night sweats. The premature ovarian failure is usually detected when a woman complaining about irregular periods or infertility is examined for the cause.

There are various ways in which the ovarian failure can be treated. The Progenesis Fertility Centre is an infertility specialist in Thane and Nashik. If you are facing any of the symptoms of premature ovarian failure, it is highly advisable to being with the treatment to ensure quick and assured recovery.


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