What Causes Low Sperm Count and How Is It Treated?

Male infertility refers to any medical condition in a man that decreases his chances of  impregnating a woman. The issue lies with the man in more than one-third of infertility cases. This is most typically due to issues with his sperm production or delivery. In this blog we will talk about what causes low sperm count in men and how it can be treated. 

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Male infertility refers to any medical condition in a man that decreases his chances of  impregnating a woman. The issue lies with the man in more than one-third of infertility cases. This is most typically due to issues with his sperm production or delivery. In this blog we will talk about what causes low sperm count in men and how it can be treated. 

What is low sperm count

Sperm Dysfunctions

The most common issues with sperm are related to its production and growth. Sperm could:

  • Not fully develop
  • Be abnormally formed
  • Not move properly
  • Be produced in extremely low numbers (oligospermia)
  • Not be produced (azoospermia)

Causes of sperm disorders

A variety of issues can prevent the sperm from reaching the egg as these problems can prevent cells from developing into sperm. Even the temperature of the scrotum might have an impact on fertility. The following are the primary reasons of male infertility:

  • Varicoceles or swollen veins in the scrotum
  • Ejaculation in the Backward Direction
  • Infertility Due to Immunologic Factors
  • Obstruction of the tubes through which sperm travels
  • Low Hormone Levels
  • Certain Medications
  • Sperm issues caused by inherited features. 
  • Lifestyle choices 
  • Smoking, consuming alcohol, and using certain drugs
  • Long-term illness (such as kidney failure)
  • Childhood illnesses (such as mumps)
  • Chromosomal or hormone disorders (such as low testosterone) 

Symptoms of a low sperm count

You may not notice any symptoms of decreased sperm quality until you attempt to start a family. Infertility is the primary symptom of oligospermia.

If your low sperm count is caused by an underlying illness — such as a hormone imbalance, chromosomal abnormalities, testicular problem, or blockage — you may encounter symptoms associated with the disorder, which are not the same as symptoms of low sperm count. Among these signs are:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lack of sex drive
  • Swelling or soreness in or around the testicles
  • A lack of face or body hair

Diagnosis of low sperm count

The following tests and procedures are done to identify low sperm count

  • Semen analysis test
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum
  • Genetic examinations
  • Urinalysis following ejaculation
  • Hormone analysis
  • Ultrasound transrectal
  • Tests for anti-sperm antibodies
  • Sperm function tests that are specialized
  • Biopsies of the testicles

Low sperm count treatments

The type of therapy you receive for low sperm count will be determined by the underlying cause. There are also certain changes you may make to your conception attempt routine that may increase your chances of success.

Medications: Medications can be used to treat infections of the reproductive tract. Infections must be treated as soon as possible. Even if an infection is treated adequately, sperm count may not recover to normal if chronic tissue scarring has occurred.

Surgery: Surgery is a possibility for cases involving extensive varicoceles, obstructions, or problems with sperm leaving the body. A varicocele, for example, can be repaired with a small procedure, and past vasectomies can be reversed.

In some circumstances, sperm can be retrieved straight from the testicle or epididymis for assisted reproductive methods such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Hormonal treatments: Because high or low testosterone and other hormone levels can causes low sperm count, correcting the levels with medications and additional procedures may help regain fertility.

Avoid using anabolic steroids, testosterone, or even most over-the-counter testosterone boosters, as these can induce infertility.

Changes in lifestyle: Having more sexual intercourse and timing sex with ovulation will help boost your chances of becoming pregnant. Sex a few days before, during, and after ovulation can help ensure that the sperm that makes it all the way to the egg arrives on time.

While you’re at it, avoid any lubricants that may hinder sperm movement.

Also, activities which raise the temperature of the testicles, such as regular  dips in the hot tub, saunas, or steam rooms, should be avoided. 

Finally, abstain from excessive drug and alcohol usage, as well as fitness supplements known to degrade sperm quality.

Counseling: Sexual intercourse problems, such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, may benefit from a mix of medication and counseling.

Infertility and low sperm count

The positive aspect of having a lower number of sperm swimming about is that it does not rule out conception; it may simply take a little longer.  Unless your count of sperm is zero, you might one day be able to successfully get your partner pregnant.

If your sperm mobility is good, having a smaller amount of sperm may not be such an enormous problem. However, if the quantity of sperm is poor and your motility is compromised, it may take longer to conceive.

The fertility of your partner, as well as your ability to time intercourse with the ovulation window, contribute to the equation. However, if pregnancy does not occur, you do have options.

ART Treatments for Male Infertility 

Dr. Malgoankar, Award winning Chief IVF Consultant at Progenesis, recommends intrauterine insemination (IUI) in some cases of abnormal sperm quality. In the procedure, your female partner may be given clomiphene to help with egg development during the course of this treatment. You supply sperm in a cup during ovulation, which is then washed and concentrated. The sperm is then inserted in the uterus via a long, flexible tube.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) may be a better alternative if your sperm count is very low. Doctors administer medications to the female partner in order for healthy eggs to develop and mature eggs to be surgically extracted. Meanwhile, sperm can be collected and frozen ahead of time, or delivered fresh on the day of fertilization. Your doctor fertilizes the eggs in a lab before implanting healthy embryos in the uterus. This entire process takes about three weeks to finish. While this is the most effective assisted reproductive technology, it can be a little invasive and expensive. 


Does masturbation cause low sperm count?

Masturbation will not reduce your sperm count or damage your capacity to have children. Masturbation is both natural and healthy. And it’s quite acceptable to masturbate frequently – possibly more than once a day.

How long does it take to rebuild sperm?

During spermatogenesis, your testicles are constantly creating new sperm. The entire procedure takes roughly 64 days. During spermatogenesis, your testicles produce millions of sperm per day — almost 1,500 per second.

Can a man recover from low sperm count?

The duration of a low sperm count is determined on the cause. If the underlying reason is taking certain medicines or keeping your testicles excessively warm, you may be able to reverse the condition with medication or naturally once the reason no longer exists.

Can a man with zero sperm count get a woman pregnant?

Azoospermia is a medical condition in which males have no sperm in their semen. The number of sperm in your semen is merely one of the many variables that lead to conception. Some guys with low sperm counts are able to have children.

Read related blogs:

  1. How Common Is Male Infertility, And What Are Its Causes And Symptoms?
  2. A Detailed Guide To Male Infertility
  3. Infertility And Men- What You Should Know

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