How To Choose The Right Fertility Doctor

choose right fertility doctor
IVF is a complicated and expensive procedure; hence, you need to be extra cautious when choosing a fertility specialist. Once you narrow down your search to reputable, competent doctors and fertility clinics with high success rates, the real work begins.

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The path towards parenthood is filled with many ups and downs, but having the best care by your side can make your journey a little easy and overwhelming. While there are other considerations to be made, selecting the best fertility doctor plays a vital role. All you need to do is take time out for some homework and a lot of research.

IVF is a complicated and expensive procedure; hence, you need to be extra cautious when choosing a fertility specialist. Once you narrow down your search to reputable, competent doctors and fertility clinics with high success rates, the real work begins.

Research can help, but, as with most things, trusting your instinct is very important here. In addition to this, there are a few other things listed below that can make this task a little easier for you:

Tips to Choose the Right Fertility Doctor

Staff at the Fertility Clinic

Everyone in the hospital setting, right from the nurses to the front desk and billing, should make you feel excited and hopeful. 

The knowledgeable staff can help patients avoid dangerous complications and improve their chances of success. 

Also, do not forget to keep track of the hospital, its success rate, and its progress.

Overview of the Facilities & Services Offered

Just as the staff reflects the doctor, the facilities and services act as a mirror. 

  • Who is the embryologist in charge? 
  • Is the lab equipped with advanced equipment such as lasers and incubators?
  • Are there enough staff members in the lab? 
  • Is it possible for the lab to execute all of the essential procedures in-house, or do they need outside help for treatments like PGD?

Get answers to all your questions. Choose the clinic you require, and the doctor experienced in the treatments you need.

Do good research on the services offered by the clinic, from fertility testing and diagnosis to IUI, IVF, and fertility preservation. 

Communication Makes the Difference

Communication is the most important aspect of a successful fertility clinic.

  • Is the doctor available to talk to you about your concerns? 
  • When you phone the hospital, do you get the runaround?
  • Do the employees respond to your emails and messages? 
  • Do they have any idea who you are? 
  • In case of any emergency, is the staff responsive enough?
  • When you speak with the doctor, does the doctor make an effort to explain the procedure to you

Study the Pricing Package and Options

There is no denying that fertility treatment is costly. Finding a clinic that is “fairly” priced, can mean the difference between being able to obtain care and not being able to for some patients.

Before finalizing the clinic, make sure:

  • Is your clinic willing to work with you on a payment plan or financing options? 
  • Is insurance accepted? 
  • Do they work with any funding partners? 

Doctor’s Accessibility

  • Is it possible to make an appointment with your doctor? 
  • Is it possible to plan an appointment around your timetable, or do you have to put your life on hold and fit it into theirs?

Fertility treatment itself is difficult, and your clinic should not make it any more difficult by imposing unreasonable hours and rigid appointment schedules. 

Along with this, when choosing a fertility clinic, location should not usually be the deciding factor. 

Success Rates

Success rates do play an important role when choosing a clinic or a fertility doctor. 

However, comparing the success rates of one clinic to those of another isn’t an apples-to-apples comparison because you don’t know what happens behind closed doors or how accurate their success statistics really are.

“We should not forget that the clinic’s success rates majorly depend on factors  such as the patient’s age and medical issues, along with this, the clinic’s treatment procedure and treatment approaches also play an important role.” Says Dr.  Narhari Malgaonkar, chief IVF consultant at Progenesis fertility centre.


It’s gratifying how Advanced Reproductive Technology (ART) can help so many couples aspiring to be parents. 

Although the process can be complicated, emotional, and expensive, ART offers a great solution.

Our best advice is to consult expert doctors in the field of fertility, gather information, and make informed decisions. 

Growing exponentially in recent years, Progenesis is an expanding fertility brand offering world-class fertility facilities at affordable prices.

 Making its place in one of the top IVF clinics in India, our IVF center in Pune is equipped with all the latest technologies and expert fertility specialists at your service.

In search of a second opinion on IVF or looking for the best-suited treatment for your fertility needs, at Progenesis, we have a solution!

Your journey to parenthood is just a few steps away.

Get started, book your free online IVF consultation today!!!

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