How does IMSI help to improve the success rate of IVF?

Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) is a sperm selection technique for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). To pick the sperm to be injected into an egg, a microscope is used to view detailed photographs of the sperm at extremely high magnification.

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IMSI with IVF is an increasingly common combination in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. Understanding this method could be a key step towards parenting. Let’s look at IMSI and its significance in IVF treatment.

What is IMSI?

Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) is a technique used in IVF treatment to examine and select sperm using a high-magnification digital imaging microscope for microinjection into the egg. The IMSI method helps with male infertility and increases the likelihood of successful fertilisation while undergoing IVF.

IMSI Procedure Step-by-Step

Sperm Evaluation: A high-resolution microscope evaluates the quality of sperm and its structure.

Egg Retrieval: Eggs are extracted from the female utilising minimally invasive methods.

Precise Injection: Only healthy sperm, after selection, is put directly into the egg.

Embryo Culture: Embryos are cultured in a monitored laboratory setting.

Planned Transferring: Healthy embryos are placed in the uterus for possible implantation.

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Microscopic imaging: IMSI uses powerful microscopes and the degree of its magnification allows embryologists to examine sperm morphology with unparalleled clarity.

Accurate Sperm Selection: Unlike standard IVF, IMSI concentrates on finding sperm with the best morphology. Abnormalities, no matter how small, can be discovered and removed from fertilisation.

Higher Success Rates: IMSI attempts to boost fertility and development of embryos. Couples who have previously experienced failed IVF or recurrent miscarriages can benefit greatly.

Helps with male factor infertility: IMSI is very useful when infertility due to male factors is an issue.  It increases the likelihood of utilising the healthiest sperm for fertilisation.

Why Should You Consider IMSI With IVF?

When considering IMSI with IVF, there are several strong reasons to explore this advanced technique:

Expertise in Male Factor Infertility: IMSI specialises at thoroughly examining sperm morphology. When it comes to male factor infertility and sperm quality, IMSI’s accurate selection technique is critical.

Deals with Recurrent Miscarriages: IMSI uses its superior sperm selection process to stop the pattern of recurrent miscarriages. By carefully selecting the healthiest sperm it gives new hope for a healthy pregnancy.
Customised Fertilisation strategy: IMSI customises the sperm selection procedure to each couple’s specific needs, ensuring that the best sperm are used for fertilisation.

IMSI Success Rate

According to fertility experts at Progenesis Fertility Center, the IMSI method outperforms traditional ICSI in terms of pregnancy and birth rate outcomes, particularly among couples who have had repeated failed cycles. IMSI’s careful selection method attempts to increase the probability of successful fertilisation and embryo development and is especially advantageous for couples who had previously failed IVF cycles or experienced repeated miscarriages.

IMSI in assisted reproduction provides new hope to couples battling reproductive issues. IMSI, which improves sperm selection in the overall IVF process, is a hopeful step in the quest for becoming a parent. When considering IMSI, talk with a reproductive professional who can evaluate your circumstances and provide personalised advice.


Is IMSI better than ICSI?

The chances of having a live birth with IMSI ranges from 20% to 32%, as opposed to 25% with ICSI. For women who have had a 7% risk of miscarriage with ICSI, with IMSI, the risk is between 5% and 10%. The pregnancy rate with IMSI is between 35% to 44%, compared to 32% with ICSI.

What fertility treatment has the highest success rate?

IVF offers the highest success rate compared to other fertility treatments. The treatment is part of assisted reproductive technologies and solves a variety of fertility difficulties.

Which is the best IVF centre in Thane?

Progenesis Fertility Center is the best IVF centre in Thane with the highest success rate.

What does a fertility clinic do?

Fertility specialists commonly treat ovulation issues, hormonal disorders,  polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, weight or age-related infertility, abnormal sperm production, azoospermia, and infertility related to certain genetic conditions.

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