How Can I Get Pregnant with Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

It is the most common question asked when a woman suffers from blocked tubes. So, is it at all possible to get pregnant naturally in this condition? Yes, but only if one of your tubes is blocked. Since there are two ovaries, even if one fallopian tube is blocked, it is still possible to become pregnant because the egg can travel through the other side of the body.

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Starting a family is a dream come true for many people. But sometimes due to certain circumstances, this dream doesn’t get fulfilled. Fertility issues have become a huge problem for people who are willing to become parents these days. Several problems, in both men and women, are becoming the cause of infertility and hampering the couples and individuals from enjoying the blessing of parenthood. 

Today we are going to address one such issue that can possibly be a cause of infertility. The issue is blocked fallopian tubes. Your fallopian tubes are the passageways that allow the sperm to reach the fertile egg that has been released by your ovaries. When these passages are blocked, pregnancy becomes tricky to achieve. But do not lose hope for this blog will tell you all that you need to know about how to get pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes

Can I get pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes?

It is the most common question asked when a woman suffers from blocked tubes. So, is it at all possible to get pregnant naturally in this condition? Yes, but only if one of your tubes is blocked. Since there are two ovaries, even if one fallopian tube is blocked, it is still possible to become pregnant because the egg can travel through the other side of the body. However, if both tubes are entirely blocked, natural conception will be impossible until one or both are unblocked.

Amongst other symptoms of blocked tubes, the following may be included:

  • Some women may have pelvic or abdominal pain as a result of a blocked fallopian tube. This pain could occur on a regular basis, such as around the time of their period, or it could be persistent.
  • An obstruction in a fallopian tube can sometimes cause a fertilized egg to become stuck. This is called an ectopic pregnancy and it is typically discovered during a scan
  • Women with blocked fallopian tubes may have heavy or irregular menstrual cycles.

What causes this blockage in my tubes?

The fallopian tubes may get blocked due to a variety of reasons, including:

  • A past history of pelvic infection
  • Having experienced a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia 
  • Endometriosis, a condition in which the lining of the womb grows outside of the uterus
  • History of previously undergone abdominal surgery
  • Swelling and fluid at the end of a fallopian tube, also known as hydrosalpinx.

How can I confirm that my tubes are blocked?

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test is commonly used to diagnose tubal obstruction and damage. During an HSG procedure, a clinician fills the uterus with a dye-containing fluid to give visual contrast, then examines the uterus and fallopian tubes with an X-ray. If the doctor concludes that a woman’s fallopian tubes are obstructed, she may have laparoscopy, a type of minimally invasive surgery, to evaluate the blockage.

How can I open my blocked fallopian tubes?

Tubal illness treatment will differ depending on the type of damage or blockage. Surgery to remove the obstruction may be recommended in some circumstances. The types of surgeries to remove fallopian tube blockage may include:

Treatment and surgery for hydrosalpinx

A doctor will usually perform a salpingectomy or a salpingostomy to treat hydrosalpinx. 

  • A salpingectomy is a surgical procedure in which a portion of the obstructed fallopian tube is removed. This surgery boosts the chances of conceiving with IVF more than other surgical options.
  • A salpingostomy is a procedure in which a specialist opens a new entrance in the fallopian tube near the ovary. Eggs from the ovaries can then move to the fallopian tubes through the new hole. 
  • Scar tissue can sometimes form over this new opening over time, causing a new blockage. The fimbrioplasty is a salpingostomy alteration that involves establishing a new entrance and repairing the fimbriae (tissue near the ovaries). 

Tubal Cannulation

  • Tubal cannulation is a nonsurgical procedure used for treating fallopian tube obstructions, particularly those near the uterus.
  • A doctor will guide a catheter through the vagina and uterus until it reaches the obstruction. 
  • During the procedure, X-rays or ultrasound assist the doctor determine the exact location of the obstruction. 
  • The doctor will then use a fine wire or inflate a small balloon to remove the blockage.

Tubal ligation reversal

  • Tubal ligation reversal is a surgical technique in which a doctor removes blockages from the fallopian tubes that were inserted or added during a prior tubal ligation operation.
  • In many circumstances, a doctor will reverse a tubal ligation by removing the obstructions from the fallopian tubes and reconnecting the two ends of each tube in a technique known as tubal reanastomosis. 
  • The treatment is classified as abdominal surgery, with a two-week recovery period.

It is important to know that surgery is not always advantageous when it comes to getting pregnant with blocked tubes. If the damage or blockage cannot be repaired, a woman may still be able to conceive via IVF.

How can IVF help with my pregnancy?

According to Dr. Narhari S. Malagaonkar, Chief IVF Consultant at Progenesis, IVF is indicated to be the best fertility treatment for women who want to become pregnant but have damaged or blocked that cannot be repaired. He says, “Even if a woman’s fallopian tubes are no longer functional, she may be able to become pregnant with IVF. This is due to the fact that during an IVF process, a fertilized egg at the embryo stage is inserted directly into a woman’s uterus, eliminating the need for the sperm and egg to make their way to the fallopian tubes or for the developing embryo to go to the uterus.”


Can a woman with blocked fallopian tubes have periods?

In general, blocked fallopian tubes shouldn’t have an impact on your menstrual cycle. However, if you experience irregular periods and think that your fallopian tubes are blocked, you should consult with your doctor. They’ll be able to verify the medical condition and talk about treatment choices with you.

Why Laparoscopy for blocked fallopian tubes?

Fallopian tube repair surgery can be performed laparoscopically or hysteroscopically. The Fallopian tubes can be repaired using these minimally invasive methods. A small telescope is placed through a small incision in the patient’s abdomen during a laparoscopy. This treatment normally takes two to three days to recover from.

Where does the egg go if fallopian tubes are blocked?

Ectopic pregnancy is the most common consequence of blocked fallopian tubes. An egg may be fertilized if a fallopian tube is partially blocked, but it may become stuck in the tube. As a result, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, which turns into a medical crisis.

What’s the fallopian tube blockage treatment without surgery?

 Antibiotics may be recommended to remove the infection as well as minimize inflammation in the fallopian tubes if the blockage has been triggered by an infection. Fertility medicines, such as clomiphene citrate, can be used as well to induce ovulation and increase the likelihood of conception.

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