Female infertility is when a woman is unable to get pregnant. This condition is usually identified when she has tried conceiving naturally for more than a year without any success. Frequent miscarriages are also termed under female infertility.
Although it’s a common condition, age, hormones, ovarian reserve, along with changing lifestyle play a significant role in the cause of female infertility.
Let’s dive in to understand the issue better:
What is female infertility?
Female infertility is a problem with a woman’s reproductive system. In this condition, a woman’s ability to naturally get pregnant and give birth to a child is impaired or limited in some way. Though female infertility is difficult to diagnose, there are treatments available depending on the cause of infertility.
What are the causes of infertility in women?
Out of many possible causes, some are mentioned below:
Uterine trouble: Problems like polyps, fibroids, scar tissue, and radiation damage are often linked to uterine trouble. These problems interfere with conception and increase the risk of a miscarriage. They not only weaken the uterine cavity but also increase the risk of severe female factor infertility.
Damaged fallopian tubes: Your fallopian tubes are where the process of fertilization takes place, they are the connectors that carry fertilized eggs from your ovaries to the uterus.
The most common cause of fallopian tube blockage or damage is pelvic infections, endometriosis, and pelvic surgery. The tubal blockage can prevent the sperm from reaching the egg, resulting in no fertilization and no implantation.
Advanced age: Women are born with all eggs they will ever have, and with increasing age, the quality and quantity of eggs gradually declines.
After the age of 35, there are high chances of the eggs having chromosomal deformities which further lead to difficulty in fertilization and result in unhealthy fetus.
Hormonal issues: Another leading cause of infertility in women are hormonal issues. These issues lead to the problems of PCOS, and anovulation that further add up to the problems of conceiving.
Ovulation issues: There are several reasons why a woman may not ovulate regularly. Some of the factors that might interfere with ovulation are hormonal imbalances, a history of eating disorders, substance abuse, thyroid issues, severe stress, and pituitary tumors.
Unexplained infertility: The cause of infertility is sometimes never identified. Unexpected reproductive issues could be caused by a combination of small variables in both partners. Although it’s frustrating to get no precise answer, this issue will eventually resolve itself. Infertility treatment, in this case, should not be delayed.
Signs and symptoms:
The inability to conceive is the most common sign of female infertility. You might have ovulation issues if your menstrual cycle is excessively lengthy which is 35 days or more, or too short less than 21 days, irregular, or missing.
Other potential signs and symptoms of infertility are:
- Skin changes, including more acne
- Changes in sex drive and desire
- Dark hair growth on the lips, chest, and chin
- Loss of hair or thinning hair
- Weight gain
- Painful sex
When should you seek medical help in case of female infertility?
It all depends on your age:
- Most doctors might recommend attempting to conceive for at least a year before testing or treatment till you’re 35 years old.
- If you’re between the ages of 35 and 40, talk to your doctor after six months of trying.
- If you’re over 40, your doctor may recommend immediate testing or treatment.
Along with this, if you or your partner have known fertility issues, a history of irregular, missed periods, or are suffering from repeated miscarriages, it is advised to seek fertility help as early as you can.
Diagnosis for female infertility
Several tests including a blood test can help check hormone levels and uterine health.
Some of the other tests are mentioned below:
Hysterosalpingography (HSG): Ultrasound or X-rays of your reproductive organs are used in this procedure. Your cervix is injected with dye or saline and air, which travels up through your fallopian tubes, this helps check if the tubes are blocked.
Laparoscopy: The procedure involves a laparoscope (a narrow tube with a tiny camera) that your doctor inserts through a small cut around your belly button. This allows them to examine for abnormal growths outside of your uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Your doctor can also examine your fallopian tubes to find whether they are blocked.
What are the treatments for female infertility?
Laparoscopy: If you’ve been diagnosed with tubal or pelvic disease, one option is to have your reproductive organs treated by surgery. During this process, a laparoscope is inserted into a cut around your belly button. The procedure helps remove scar tissue, treat endometriosis, unblock blocked tubes, and remove ovarian cysts.
Hysteroscopy: Your doctor will insert a hysteroscope into your uterus through your cervix during this procedure. The procedure is used to get rid of polyps and fibroid tumors, divide scar tissue, and unclog channels.
IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination): During this procedure, a washed sperm is placed in the woman’s uterine cavity at the time of ovulation.
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization): Also, known as the test tube baby technique, IVF is a process of fertilization that takes place outside the body in the lab. Later these formed embryos are transferred back to the uterus.
GIFT (gamete intrafallopian tube transfer) and ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer): These treatments work similarly to IVF, the process involves retrieving an egg, combining it with sperm in a lab, and inserting it back into the fallopian tubes
In ZIFT, your doctor immediately inserts the zygotes (the fertilized eggs) into your fallopian tubes.
Medication: Sometimes, medications are enough for the treatment of minor cases of female infertility. If you have ovulation problems, you may be prescribed drugs to help trigger ovulation. These drugs can also help you get pregnant by causing your ovaries to release multiple eggs.
What when female infertility cannot be treated?
When treatments don’t work, other options can help you start a family!
- In cases of unexplained infertility or when other forms of treatment have failed to conceive your doctor may advise you to take gonadotropin.
- If you have insulin resistance or PCOS, another type of drug called metformin (Glucophage) may help you ovulate naturally.
- Donor Egg: Well, this is a very personal decision a couple might have to take, partners must discuss their feelings and the potential implications of using a donor egg before moving further.
Egg donation can help if there is a problem with your ovaries or with the quantity and quality of eggs.
Donor eggs can be obtained from a donor, which can be further used for IVF or other treatments depending on medical necessity.
How does Progenesis Fertility Center Help Treat Female Infertility:
No matter what the reason is, we can help you conceive!
- Personalized treatment plans
- Experienced female infertility specialists
- In-depth analysis of female infertility
- Advanced ART Technologies (Blastocyst Transfer, LAH, Ultrasound-Guided Procedures)
- Highly experienced in treating complex cases of female infertility
- Transparent and ethical practices
- Affordable treatment plans
- Proven treatments and medications for female infertility
Finally, once your cause of infertility is known, there are a variety of treatment options available.
Conception is a complicated process, and infertility issues can make it more challenging. Fortunately, advanced fertility treatments and medications can help maximize your chances of success.
Female infertility specialist in India:
Looking for genuine fertility support? Get in touch with the best, call us: +91 70309 44041/ +91 94239 71620.
People also ask:
What is the most common cause of female infertility?
Answer: PCOS/PCOD associated with insulin resistance, obesity, abnormal hair growth, and acne is the most common cause of female infertility.
What is secondary female infertility?
Answer: Secondary infertility is when a female can’t conceive or carry a pregnancy despite having a child previously. Advanced age and lifestyle factors are the main culprits in most cases of secondary infertility.
Can female infertility be genetic?
Answer: Although infertility is a common condition some cases can often be associated with genetic factors. From inherited chromosomal abnormalities to gene mutations, most infertility cases are due to genetic defects.
What causes female infertility?
Answer: Out of many possible causes, some are mentioned below:
- Uterine trouble
- Damaged/Blocked fallopian tubes
- Advanced age
- Hormonal issues
- Ovulation issues
- Unexplained infertility
Is female infertility curable?
Answer: Although infertility is a complex condition, medication or surgeries can help restore fertility in some cases. Along with this, advanced fertility treatments can help you get pregnant.
What when female infertility cannot be treated?
Answer: When treatments don’t work your doctor may recommend you other medications that can help you ovulate naturally. Another option is opting for donor eggs which can be further used for IVF or other treatments depending on medical necessity.
When should I get checked for female infertility?
Answer: Infertility evaluation is needed when a woman can’t get pregnant despite having unprotected sexual intercourse for over a year.