7 Fertility Facts People Don’t Know Enough About

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Infertility is a topic that is surrounded by a lot of taboos. This prevents free discussion about the topic, which consequently leads to the propagation of many myths. For example, there still exists a belief that only the female partner is to blame if a couple fails to conceive naturally. However, statistics do not support this assumption. It has been found that among couples who seek fertility treatment, the fault lies with the male partner in over one-third of the cases. Similarly, a couple is tagged infertile if they are not able to conceive a child in the first couple of attempts. However, it’s perfectly normal for a healthy and fertile couple to attempt pregnancy for several months without success. The key is to keep trying in accordance with the female partner’s ovulation cycle.

Furthermore, a majority of aspiring parents do not pay enough attention to their health, diet, and lifestyle. Being over or underweight, consuming a poor diet and leading a faulty lifestyle can all have a negative impact on the fertility of men and women. Exercising adequately, eating plenty of fibrous and nutritious food, sleeping well, managing stress and avoiding smoking and alcohol are all essential ingredients to achieve and sustain a pregnancy. These choices not only influence a couple’s chances of getting pregnant but also have the power to impact their child’s future health and coming generations.

7 Fertility Facts People Don’t Know Enough About

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