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What is Karyomapping?

Genes are the basic building blocks of all living organisms. Usually found in chromosomes, genes are the ‘data storage’ devices in cells that store information about the structure and function of cells. A defect in the genes disturbs the proper structure and function of the cells. These abnormalities are known as genetic disorders or genetic defects. Chromosomes are microscopic structures found in the cells of living organisms. There are 46 individual chromosomes grouped into 23 pairs.

Genetic defects with a single identifiable defective gene are called single-gene disorders. Fragile X syndrome and Huntington’s disease are some examples of single-gene disorders. During the process of IVF, there is a chance for abnormalities to arise in the number of genes in the embryo. Such embryos rarely implant successfully. If they do get implanted, it almost always leads to a miscarriage. However, despite the defects, some do implant successfully, and the pregnancy is carried forward. Babies born of such a pregnancy have certain anomalies detected at birth.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Developed in the late 1980s, preimplantation genetic diagnosis or PGD IVF tests fertilized embryos for single-gene disorders. This is performed in order to prevent the implantation of genetically defective embryos during IVF. However, PGD IVF is limited in sensitivity as it can detect only 2% of the known genetic disorders.
What is Karyomapping?
Karyomapping is a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) test that examines the DNA of the parents and close family members to identify a DNA fingerprint unique to the chromosome that carries the mutated gene. This is then tested against the cells from the embryo to confirm that the gene mutation is not present. Karyomapping has the ability to identify all genetic defects.
How is Karyomapping different?

Until Karyomapping, PGD IVF tests had to be tailor-made for each couple. This required months of work, and the wait was long and tedious. Karyomapping is a universal test for all genetic disorders, which reduces the waiting time to just a few weeks.

The Karyomapping procedure

Initial assessment: This is performed to identify whether you are a suitable candidate for Karyomapping. This assessment includes a detailed medical interview where your family history is examined closely for genetic defects.

Collection of DNA samples: These are collected either through saliva or blood. Samples from both partners and selected family members who carry the familial disorder are collected.

Chromosome test: The test examines the chromosomes of the parents, looking for the unique features of the defective gene. It is then possible to test embryos produced using IVF for the presence of this fingerprint.

Time taken:
Testing usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks

If the fingerprint characteristic of the chromosome carrying the defective gene is not detected, then the embryo has inherited normal copies of the gene and is therefore likely to be free of the disorder.

While these tests are being performed, the embryos are frozen and kept in stasis. Once it is established that the embryo does not have any genetic defects, it is introduced into the mother’s uterus for implantation.
Does Karyomapping detect all chromosomal abnormalities?
Karyomapping identifies any specific genetic mutations in the embryo with 95% accuracy. However, this process cannot completely rule out genetic defects. New mutations that might be absent in the parents but occur in the developing embryo cannot be detected through Karyomapping. It is recommended that couples undergo chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis to detect any genetic defects that might have occurred after the pregnancy was established.

Fast Facts:

This procedure is best suited when-

Specific genetic mutations in
the embryo with 95% accuracy

Monogenic disease in embryos
before implantation


A trigger shot is a hormone injection used in fertility treatments to promote egg maturation and release from the ovaries. It's also called an HCG shot since it typically contains the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).
एनओव्यूलेशन (Anovulation) एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें महिला के मासिक चक्र (period cycle) के दौरान ओव्यूलेशन नहीं होता है, यानी कोई अंडाणु (egg) रिलीज नहीं होता। इस स्थिति में गर्भधारण करना मुश्किल हो जाता है, क्योंकि अंडाणु के बिना गर्भधारण संभव नहीं होता।

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