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AMH Test

What is an anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) test?

What is AMH and why Is the AMH Test Done?

AMH Test level indicates the fertility rate in women. AMH or the Anti-Mullerian Hormone is a protein produced in the ovarian follicles by the granulosa cells. Its primary stage cannot be detected even by the microscope and its production is the highest in the pre or small antral development stages. With the growth of follicles, the development of AMH stops. AMH level mostly remains constant and its test can be done on any of the days of the menstrual cycle of a woman.

What is ovarian reserve and what is the relevance of ovarian reserve testing?
Ovarian Reserve is a term that determines the actual capacity of an ovary in order to produce healthy egg cells capable enough to handle fertilization and hence a healthy pregnancy. With growing age, the number of egg cells decline and this is the main reason why females at a mature age tend to face low pregnancy chances. As such, there is no direct method to test the Ovarian Reserve; however, you can test it indirectly to determine the fertility rate. The quantity and the quality of egg cells are very important to test in order to determine if the women can get pregnant or not. Ovarian Reserve test checks the number of egg cells left in the ovary.
What Is an AMH Test?
AMH test or the Anti-Mullerian Hormone test is basically done by specialists or gynecologists as a part of other tests to get the information about the ovarian reserve because just like an ovarian reserve, AMH blood level also indicates the number of egg cells left in the ovary.
What Is the Normal AMH Level by Age?
The exact value of normal AMH levels is still not known but the approximations really help to understand things in a better way. These values are calculated for the women under the age of 35.
More tests mean more clarity and hence these details become clearer with the proper study of the AMH hormone level and the fertility rate.
What are the treatments for Low AMH?
The AMH levels start decreasing with age, and by the time you reach your 40s, you have considerably low AMH Levels. Through this article, we will advise some of the treatment options that can give every woman a chance to enjoy the pleasure of motherhood. DHEA supplements, natural IVF, and mild IVF treatments can help a woman with low AMH level. These supplements and treatment options will help increase your anti-Mullerian hormone. For more details on the AMH Level, you can refer to this AMH Level chart by age:
Younger than 24 monthsng/mlLess than 5
24 months to 12 yearsng/ mlLess than 10
13–45 yearsng/ ml1 to 10
More than 45 yearsng/ mlLess than 1
What Does Low Ovarian Reserve Mean?
Low Ovarian Reserve condition refers to a point of low fertility rate when either the number of female germ cells responsible for reproduction is low as in the case of impaired development of preantral germ cells.
 What Is the Egg Fertility Test?
At the time of birth, a woman has 1-2 million egg cells. By the time she reaches puberty, these cells reduce to 300,000. The quantity of these cells is of big concern but the quality of these egg cells also plays a crucial role in determining if the woman can get pregnant or not. There are tests to check the fertility rate and some of them have been discussed below:
What Are the Various AMH Level Tests?
Does Age Matter?
Egg fertility test mainly focuses on the quality and the number of egg cells produced and this mainly depends on the age a woman is running in. When all other tests discussed above indicate that the quality of egg cells is poor, then the best way to check the fertility rate is to know the age of the woman. As females grow older, their hormones change and hence abnormal changes in the egg cell production are seen, resulting in a relatively low fertility rate. So, the best time that a woman can get pregnant is between her ages of 21 to 35. After this time, complications start increasing to an uncontrolled level. As such, there is no definite test to check the exact health of an egg cell, but there are some ways patented by doctors that can help them identify the exact fertility rate of a woman. A simple blood test is sufficient enough to check the AMH Level and avoid any harsh or aggressive treatments.
IVF – A Boon for Childless Couples!
If, however, a woman has crossed her fertile age to get pregnant or is having other issues in getting pregnant, then there is always the support of IVF treatments, which are getting increasingly popular these days as they are acting as a boon for childless couples.

Fast Facts:

The availability of AMH test results allows you to-

Optimise and individualise your personal stimulation schedule

Have the best chance of achieving optimal

Avoid a cancelled cycle due to unexpected over or under response


Implantation bleeding is an early indication of pregnancy that happens when a fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall. It can produce minor bleeding (or spotting) for up to two days. Implantation bleeding is considered a normal part of the pregnancy.
Epididymitis is inflammation of the sperm-carrying tube in the rear of your testicle. The swelling might cause severe pain in your testicle and scrotum. It can happen at any age. However, it is most common among those aged 14 to 35.

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