When is the time to go for a Fertility Treatment?

When is the time to go for a Fertility Treatment
Fertility is a gift that all living beings are born with in order to be able to start their own families. But sometimes some people get deprived of this blessing and require some external help to achieve the ultimate goal of making a baby. 

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Fertility is a gift that all living beings are born with in order to be able to start their own families. But sometimes some people get deprived of this blessing and require some external help to achieve the ultimate goal of making a baby. 

Ideally, a couple trying to conceive by having unprotected intercourse should be able to achieve pregnancy naturally. But at times, such is not the case. One in six adults globally, or 17.5% of the adult population, struggles with infertility. If you are one such adult, let’s learn how to get rid of your struggles by taking the help of fertility treatments.

What are Fertility treatments? 

Failures in getting pregnant naturally is common these days and this is where fertility treatments come into the picture. Infertility is a disease to which fertility treatments are the cure. With the help of expert guidance from fertility specialists, these treatments ensure the possibility for every couple to have a family of their own. 

When should you start taking fertility treatment?

You should start with a fertility treatment recommended by your fertility specialist when you are: 

  • Unable to conceive even after a year of trying 
  • Unable to conceive due to irregular/absent Periods
  • Unable to conceive as you have PCOD/PCOS
  • Unable to conceive as your partner has ejaculatory problems 
  • Unable to conceive as your partner have low sperm count
  • Unable to maintain a pregnancy due to recurrent miscarriages 

These symptoms may be a sign for you to visit a reputed fertility clinic to get the issue diagnosed. 

How long till you know for sure that you are facing fertility issues? 

  • You are under 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than a year, with no results.
  • You are over 35 years of age and have been trying to conceive for six months, with no results.
  • You are more than 40 years old and have been trying to conceive for three months, with no results.

Apart from having troubles in conceiving, people also avail fertility treatments to avoid transferring a genetic condition that they have, to their baby. 

Unable to understand why you can’t get pregnant? Consult with us today for answers.

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Causes of Infertility Affecting Males and Females 

  • Low or no sperm count
  • Abnormal sperm quality 
  • Ejaculation problems
  • Ovulation problems
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • Polyps or fibroids
  • Prior surgical sterilization 

How to Address Infertility? 

Worried about what steps you need to take? Here are some pointers that can be helpful. 

  • Go for a fertility check-up. It is best to visit a fertility specialist instead of other doctors such as gynae/obstetricians, when you’re facing problems of infertility.
  • A fertility specialist will help determine any problems in the sperms, uterus, fallopian tubes, eggs or anything else due to which natural pregnancy is not being achieved. 
  • Your fertility doctor, after studying your case, will then suggest the required treatment plan.
  • Don’t worry, not everyone needs surgeries or heavy treatment plans. Sometimes medicines, minor treatments and observations are all you need.
  • But, in complicated cases you might need help with advanced fertility treatments like IUI, IVF or advanced IVF procedures.

Educating yourself, seeking emotional support, supporting your partner, and practicing self-care are equally important to consider when addressing infertility. 

Understand the steps you need to take to achieve a successful pregnancy.

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Types of fertility treatments

  1. IUI: IUI is a fertility treatment for couples struggling with unexplained infertility, amongst other fertility issues. In the artificial insemination (AI) procedure, a medical professional places sperm inside a woman’s cervix, where it travels until it enters the womb. The main goal of the treatment is to produce more sperm for fertilization.
  2. IVF: IVF is an assisted reproductive technology with the highest success rate. To conduct the procedure, a couple’s own eggs and sperm, or that of a donor’s is retrieved and used. During the process, mature eggs are removed from ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory, with sperm. The fertilized egg (or eggs) is then transported to the uterus. IVF takes roughly three weeks to complete one full cycle.
  3. Frozen embryo transfer (FET): In a frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle, one or more embryos that were frozen during an earlier treatment cycle are thawed and transferred to the uterus.
  4. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): ICSI is a procedure that is mostly used to treat severe male infertility issues. In the procedure, a single sperm is injected directly into the cytoplasm of a mature egg.
  5. Ovulation Induction: Hormonal medication in the form of tablets or injections is given to the female in order to stimulate ovulation or egg development and release. This treatment is also used to increase the number of eggs reaching maturity in a single cycle to increase chances of conception.
  6. Fertility Surgery: Fertility surgery is offered to infertile women or men for correcting anatomical defects that may impair the ability to conceive. If you are a woman with anatomical factors like fibroids, polyps, pelvic adhesions, endometriosis cyst, uterine septum, or uterine synechiae, you’ll need to undergo fertility enhancing surgery. Or if you are a man with varicocele and h/o vasectomy, you’ll need surgical correction for enhancing fertility.
  7. Vasectomy reversal: A patient who has undergone a sterilization surgery or a vasectomy, now desirous of having a child can undergo a procedure of reconnecting the cut ends of the vas, known as vasectomy reversal.
  8. Digital High Magnification of Sperm:  It is a technology in which the image of the sperm is enlarged to over 7300x magnification compared to standard 200-400x. It helps in studying the size, shape, and morphology of the sperm in great detail, which facilitates the selection of sperm and improves fertilization and pregnancy rate.

Why progenesis is the best IVF center for fertility treatments 

  • We are known for providing fertility care beyond treatment
  • We have the highest success rates
  • We are recipients of multiple awards
  • We have expert IVF doctors by our side
  • We use the most cutting-edge fertility technologies 
  • Our treatment is available at affordable prices
  • We have a holistic approach to fertility care
  • We provide post-treatment support, counseling, and follow-up care

Best IVF Center in India


How much does a fertility treatment cost?

Essentially, additional procedures like ultrasounds, blood tests, and medications are needed for the treatment preferred, to be carried out correctly.

What treatment should I take to get pregnant? 

The top fertility treatments used by couples who need help in getting pregnant include: Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In vitro fertilization (IVF), Donor eggs, Egg freezing, and Fertility Medications.

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