What Is The Success Rate Of IVF Procedures In India?

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Infertility has always raised eyebrows in certain sectors of life, more so in India where people still hold on to traditional beliefs and cultural ethics. Some of them still go on to believe that infertility only affects the females and males are immune to it. While the truth is, a lot of men in India are suffering from infertility issues that include, erectile dysfunction, non-production of enough healthy sperms, deficiency in hormones and other such issues.

While it is also true that most of the women also suffer from infertility issues in India but it has nothing to do with gender biases. Most of the times, these infertile couples do not get proper treatments due to these superstitious believes of people around them that they are not doing it right or with multiple attempts they would be able to have a successful pregnancy while in general!

But all they need is a good infertility treatment and advice from the experts as to how severe their condition is and which all treatment they need to overcome it! That is why it is recommended to all those couples who are facing issues in pregnancy attempts to see an infertility specialist soon as because delayed treatments can cause more complexities in your conditions than you thought of having!

So, what are the treatments available for the infertile couples and how should couples deal with it?

Firstly, every infertile couple should visit the infertility experts as soon as possible to diagnose their issues it can be either the male partner or the female partner who is affected or both! That is why a proper diagnosis of the case before jumping onto any conclusion is heavily recommended.

Next, you should check out options to treat your conditions with medications or surgery and if it is possible then you should opt for it. Otherwise, you should know that you always have the options of IVF procedures available here in India as well. The success rate of IVF procedures in India is also very good and thus, you don’t need to worry about your IVF process being successful which may shatter your dream of being a parent to your own child relevantly.

If we go by the statistics, and as per the private clinics claim, the success rate of IVF treatment in India is almost around 70-80 per cent which is something applaudable. The chances of a successful IVF treatment increase majorly when the woman is within the age group of productive fertility, i.e. within 20 to 35 age.

Thus, if you are still in these age group and feeling the heat of infertility, you may still have a chance to conceive successfully through the IVF techniques and experience successful childbirth. That is why delaying is always undermined in cases of infertility.

Some tips to follow to have successful IVF rates

  • Follow your lifestyle habits as it has much to do with both your organic pregnancy and IVF pregnancy procedures. The likes of eating healthy and having enough sleep along with staying away from alcohol and smoking as they count for major healthy habits to increase the chances of successful pregnancy.
  • Do not take much stress as it often leads to complications in the process.
  • Eat lots of good fats as they are helpful in integrating the process of IVF in a better way.
  • Practice meditation and yoga to relax your body and therefore, be healthy enough to increase the chances of a successful IVF pregnancy thereafter.
  • Also, keep seeking advice from infertility experts from time to time so that you don’t miss out on anything which can prove to be healthy for your successful IVF procedure.

The final take

In India, particularly there are lots of infertile couples who do not yet have any knowledge of what actually the IVF process is and when they must see a doctor for having successful IVF treatment done for their infertility issues.

Most of the times the fear of the society and the feeling of being ashamed causes them to force such decisions in themselves when they notice any such complexities in their reproductive system or faces issues in the pregnancy processes.

These couples must understand that carrying the burden the burden of infertility for all your life is still more painful than visiting the infertility experts in time and thus, delaying won really help for that matter.

Also, infertility can be caused to anyone and everyone and it has no stigmas attached to it unlike what the society thinks! It is just like any other numerous disorders than we humans face and thus, there is nothing to be ashamed of! And with so many advancements in the science and technological aspects today, there’s no need of shying away from the treatments as you still have chances to have your own baby through the IVF processes available today.

Featured Image:People photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com

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