Tips to Cope with Failure of First IVF Cycle Attempt

IVF takes you closer to your parenthood dream, but the procedure does not guarantee success. And for those who have struggled to conceive naturally or are experiencing repeated IVF failure, a failed IVF cycle can be a rather disheartening blow.

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IVF takes you closer to your parenthood dream, but the procedure does not guarantee success. And for those who have struggled to conceive naturally or are experiencing repeated IVF failure, a failed IVF cycle can be a rather disheartening blow.

Senior Consultant at Progenesis Fertility Center, Dr. Narhari Malgoankar mentions, “Depending on your infertility diagnosis, IVF can be the first or the last stop on your fertility journey. In either case, it’s always the final effort to conceive a child.”

“Our doctors at Progenesis Fertility Center- leading IVF clinic in India understand this feeling and ensure that the want-to-be parents are well taken care of and guided through this failure.” mentions Dr. Malgonkar.

The below blog shares some tips that can help these couples cope with an IVF failure:

Tips to cope with an IVF Failure

Do not blame yourself

A failed IVF cycle is not your fault. As mentioned, there are a lot of factors at play and ultimately, it is a biological process in which IVF just enters the last stage via an embryo transfer.

While the clinic and the patients would have done everything necessary to choose the healthiest embryos, no one can predict whether an embryo implanted would result in a healthy pregnancy.

Wait for your follow up appointment

You’ll have a follow-up appointment where you can find information about what might have gone wrong, what your doctor feels could increase your chances of IVF success in the future, and so on.

This is a crucial visit and must be scheduled as soon as the doctor suggests it.

Dr. Malgoankar says, “Our best IVF center in Pune ensures that every patient receives an individualized treatment approach based on the needs and capabilities of their body, this helps maximize the chances of their success.”

Take care of yourself and your partner

Whether you have received a negative result on your 1st IVF cycle or are experiencing implantation failures, it’s crucial for the couple to concentrate on themselves and heal physically and emotionally first.

Dr. Malgoankar also adds, “Our specialists at Progenesis and the best IVF center in Pune  will help you with medical recovery, you must also focus on your emotional recovery. Talk to loved ones, or  a therapist if required, don’t be afraid to speak up.”

Consider making a plan

Always allow yourself the choice of whether or not to go for another IVF cycle. You can also look for alternative IVF clinics in India, consider our best IVF center in Pune. Transparency in treatment, advanced fertility technologies and 35+ years of doctors’ experience helps maximize your chances of success in the very first IVF round itself.

If you want to try another round of the cycle, talk to your partner about it. Don’t worry; instead, analyze things and come up with a suitable approach to help you overcome infertility.

Talk to someone with the same experience

If you’re feeling lonely and worried, talk to others who have gone through a similar phase.  Your conversation with them will build confidence inside you to settle nicely in the ongoing situation. This will help you with various prospective ideas and help your deal with multiple IVF failures.

Self-healing is the key

Find a way out from the depression, all you have to do is heal yourself and hope for the best in the future. Yes, forgetting may be difficult for you, but you must find a way out.

This alternative is worth considering as it helps you cure slowly and efficiently. It may be difficult in the beginning, and the notion may still arise, but after some time, you will be back to your best.

Considering his vast years of experience, Dr. Malgoankar mentions, “Overall, IVF success rates are only slightly lower for second attempts as compared to first IVF tries. In most cases, couples with the best egg quality are more likely to get pregnant on their first try, but this is balanced out to some extent by potentially learning from the first failed cycle and making adjustments to maximize success for the second IVF attempt.”

We understand coping with a loss this big and significant is not an easy task. No one can define that journey better than the one going through it.

Don’t lose hope, whether you are considering a second opinion of IVF or need more information about fertility treatments after multiple IVF failures, the doctors at Progenesis Fertility Center are here to answer all your questions.

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