How soon after a failed IVF can I try again

trying after ivf failures
IVF is one of the most successful fertility treatments, sometimes it addresses a wide range of fertility issues and does not always work on the first try.

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Dr. Narhari Malagoankar says, “If we were about to summarize all the thoughts accumulating after an IVF failure, it would be just one question: “Why did my IVF cycle fail?”

Although IVF is one of the most successful fertility treatments, sometimes it addresses a wide range of fertility issues and does not always work on the first try.”

There can be various reasons for repeated IVF failures, and finding answers to all the questions might give a little relief. But what after that? What next after a failed IVF cycle?

There is a ton of information available about fertility treatments on the internet, but all that information can make the process seem confusing and overwhelming.

That’s why it’s important to talk to a fertility specialist to get the facts straight.

Thus, for your convenience, we’ve rounded up some helpful information for you to consider in the meantime.

The below points can help take proper steps:

Spacing between IVF cycles

The optimal spacing between IVF cycles is determined by various factors, some of which are age, fertility health, and emotional well-being.

Furthermore, IVF spacing may be determined by whether the cycle will begin from the beginning (requiring ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval) or whether frozen embryos from a prior cycle are available for use.

“The doctors at Progenesis Fertility Center look at the details of each couple’s situation when determining the spacing between IVF cycles. There are some general guidelines to follow, mentions Dr. Narhari Malagonkar, Chief IVF Consultant at Progenesis Fertility Center.”

  • Firstly, get an honest estimate from your IVF doctor on your chances of success with a second IVF try.
  • A fresh IVF cycle should not be done two months in a row without a menstrual cycle in between.
  • The standard spacing between IVF cycles should be around four to six weeks after a negative pregnancy test.
  • It is ideal to wait until the patient has gone through at least one full menstrual cycle before starting another round of IVF cycles.

Why do I need a break after a IVF Failure?

After an unsuccessful IVF cycle, many women are understandably eager to try again. Although waiting four to six weeks may seem like a long time, there are some other reasons why this small break is advised.

  • For the inflammation to subside: The medications used for ovarian stimulation are likely to cause inflammation in the reproductive system. Although inflammation is not a major factor to worry about, most doctors agree that it is better to wait for it to subside before beginning another IVF round.
  • Reduce stress/ anxiety: Any fertility treatment can be stressful if unsuccessful. Hence, it is necessary to take a break and focus on something else in the meantime and let the mind unwind a bit.
  • Financial considerations: IVF treatment is pricey. Hence, sometimes taking a break is necessary to get finances in order. And prepare for another cycle of treatment.
  • A personal decision:  Taking a break between IVF rounds is a personal choice. If you are physically and emotionally ready for another cycle, you can start it when your doctor gives an ok.

The most important thing to do is listen to your body and feelings. Your fertility doctor should cooperate with you to choose the best treatment plan for your situation.

Preparing for your next IVF cycle

“After the first IVF failure, our doctors will study and analyze your case. This will help them understand what went wrong with the procedure. Or whether we need to make any changes for the next cycle,” says Dr. Malagoankar.

He further adds, “Our doctors will discuss the issues with you and let you know the further procedures. But there is little for you to prepare for the next IVF cycle.”

It is necessary to prepare yourself following in the weeks leading up to a second IVF cycle:

  • Eating a well-balanced diet that is high in nutrients
  • Staying physically active but avoiding high-impact activities
  • Finding moments to relax and let the mind focus (yoga, meditation, deep breathing, etc.)


Overall, IVF success rates are only slightly lower for second attempts as compared to first IVF tries. In most cases, couples with the best egg quality are more likely to get pregnant on their first try.  But these cases form balance by potentially learning from the first failed cycle. By making adjustments to maximize success for the second IVF attempt.

If you would like more information about proceeding with fertility treatment after a failed IVF cycle, the doctors at Progenesis Fertility Center, IVF center in Pune, would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Click the link to schedule an IVF online consultation

Most Searched Questions about Failed IVF

How soon after failed Frozen embryo transfer (FET) can I try again?

Answer: It is generally recommended to wait at least one menstrual cycle (which in some cases can be more than a month) after a failed FET before attempting another one. However, the specific timing may depend on individual circumstances and should be discussed with a fertility specialist.

How long of a wait is recommended between a failed ivf cycle and trying again?

Answer: The standard spacing between IVF cycles is around 4-6 weeks after a negative pregnancy test. But in some cases of irregular periods the wait can be longer. Along with this other factors such as age, cost, mental health, fertility health and physical well-being determine the spacing between IVF cycles.

When will I get period after failed IVF? When to expect period after failed IVF?

Answer: Some women can get periods within a week after a failed IVF but some might face delayed periods due to hormone fluctuations. It is advised to talk to your fertility specialist if you have no periods even after 35+ days of your embryo transfer.

How do I know my IVF has failed?

Answer: Before reaching any conclusions it is necessary for you to conduct a Beta HCG test. This is the only reliable test that can tell the success or failure of your IVF. It can be done both ways either through a urine test or through a blood test. The levels of Beta HCG hormone are negative in your report it is most likely that your IVF has failed.

After IVF failure when to try again?

Answer: It is ideal to try after 4-6 weeks after your IVF failure. Most importantly you need to wait until you complete at least 1 full menstrual cycle before starting your next IVF cycle.

IVF failure what next?

Answer: It is advised that you don’t lose hope and keep trying further IVF cycles, because sometimes more than one IVF cycles are required to get a positive result.

How do I know my IVF has failed?

Answer: After a failed IVF cycle, a woman’s period should typically arrive within two weeks of stopping medication. Signs that an IVF cycle has failed may include a negative pregnancy test, lack of pregnancy symptoms, and no Fetus heartbeat detected on an ultrasound. However, it’s important to follow up with a fertility specialist to confirm the results and discuss any next steps.

What happens to your body after failed IVF?

Answer: After a failed IVF cycle, a woman’s body may experience physical and emotional changes such as bloating, cramping, and mood swings. These symptoms are generally temporary and should subside within a few days to a few weeks. However, the emotional impact of a failed IVF cycle can vary and may require support from a mental health professional or a support group. It is recommended to get in touch with your fertility specialist for future concerns.

How soon after failed IVF can you try naturally?

Answer: It is important to have regular menses before you start trying naturally. It is also is advised that a couple reconsiders other factors like like age, fertility health and underlying medical conditions before trying naturally.

Periods after failed IVF

Answer: The menstrual bleeding may be heavier or lighter than usual and accompanied by cramping or other menstrual symptoms. It’s important to follow up with a fertility specialist to discuss any concerns or questions about the periods after a failed IVF cycle.

Can I get pregnant naturally after failing IVF?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to get pregnant naturally after a failed IVF cycle. However, the chances of conceiving naturally may depend on various factors such as age, fertility history, and underlying medical conditions.

Does IVF work in the first try?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to achieve success with IVF on the first try. The likelihood of success may depend on various factors such as age, fertility history, and underlying medical conditions. However, the success rate of IVF can vary and cannot be guaranteed. In general, the chances of success are higher in younger women and those with fewer fertility issues. Working closely with a fertility specialist and following their recommendations can help optimize the chances of success with IVF.

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