Does low progesterone indicate infertility?

Progesterone is a hormone that regulates menstruation and prepares the uterus for pregnancy. If your progesterone levels are low, you may have difficulties carrying out a pregnancy successfully.

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Progesterone is a hormone which plays a key role in the reproductive system. Progesterone helps women menstruate and prepares the uterus for pregnancy. If your levels of progesterone are low, you may experience irregular menstruation, difficulty maintaining a pregnancy, and other health issues.

Functions of Progesterone

The main functions include: 

  • Thickening the uterine lining to prepare for implantation
  • Maintaining your menstrual cycle
  • Regulating menstrual blood flow
  • Supporting a pregnancy after it has been conceived
  • Helping to enhance your mood
  • Enhancing thyroid function
  • Facilitating lactation

What causes low progesterone in women?

There are numerous causes of low progesterone. Among the most common causes include:

Anovulation: Ovulation does not occur as your ovary does not produce an egg.

PCOS:  A hormonal imbalance that causes missing periods and inconsistent ovulation. PCOS may additionally cause tiny cysts to form on the ovaries.

Excessive stress: High levels of cortisol, your stress hormone, may interfere with your body’s capacity to produce progesterone.

Hypothyroidism: Refers to a sluggish or underactive thyroid, which makes it tougher for your body to produce progesterone.

Hyperprolactinemia: Your body produces an excessive amount of prolactin, the hormone that is responsible for lactation. Prolactin interferes with other sex hormones, such as progesterone, resulting in irregular cycles or the lack of a monthly period.

Low cholesterol: Insufficient cholesterol levels can result in insufficient progesterone.

Perimenopause: It is the period of time before menopause when hormone levels begin to fall.

Excessive exercise or dieting:  These can raise cortisol levels and stress your body. It also depletes your body of essential nutrients required to maintain appropriate hormone levels.

Progesterone’s role during pregnancy

Progesterone is essential for pregnancy support because it thickens the uterine lining (also known as the endometrium). A thick uterine lining supports the implantation and growth of a fertilized egg.

The corpus luteum is an unoccupied follicle in your ovary that produces an egg during ovulation. If an egg is fertilized by sperm during the ovulation, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) signals the corpus luteum to produce more progesterone to nourish the developing embryo.

Throughout the pregnancy, progesterone levels grow. It also slows uterine contractions, allowing you to prevent preterm labor. Finally, it aids your mammary glands in preparing for breastfeeding.

How does low progesterone affect pregnancy?

Progesterone is vital for sustaining the lining of the uterus during pregnancy. Low progesterone levels impair your body’s capacity to produce a strong and healthy uterine lining. The fertilized egg connects to this lining and low levels of progesterone might make it difficult to stay pregnant. Once it attaches, additional progesterone is required to help the embryo develop into a fetus.

You must maintain high progesterone levels until you are ready to give birth. Low progesterone puts you at risk of pregnancy problems, including:

  • Ectopic pregnancies
  • Miscarriages
  • Preterm labor

Diagnosis and cure for low progesterone

A blood test (PGSN or progesterone test) is used to diagnose low progesterone levels. Progesterone levels vary, and there are a variety of levels that are suitable. If you’re trying to conceive and are having problems with ovulation or periodic menstruation, your doctor may test your progesterone levels.

Your healthcare practitioner might treat low progesterone in a variety of ways based on your symptoms and intended objectives. For example, if you’re trying to conceive, progesterone may be required to thicken your uterine lining. During menopause, you may require progesterone (and estrogen) to alleviate your symptoms.

Progesterone can be taken in a variety of forms:

  • Cream or gel administrations
  • Progesterone tablets for consumption
  • Progesterone injections 


How to treat low progesterone naturally?

Some of the remedies listed below are safe and may help raise progesterone levels:
– Eating a nutritious diet high in vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B
– Getting sufficient sleep (eight hours is optimal)
– Managing your tension and finding strategies to be calm
– Exercising

What are the symptoms of low progesterone?

The common symptoms of low progesterone levels include:
– Decreased sexual drive
– Excessive PMS and irregular menstruation.
– Depression and mood swings.
– Tenderness in breasts
– Weight gain and exhaustion.

What happens if progesterone is low in men?

Men do not need as much progesterone as women. However, low progesterone levels might still have an effect on their bodies. Men with insufficient progesterone may exhibit the following signs:
– Depression, mood swings, and anxiety
– Low sexual drive
– Erectile Dysfunction
– Muscle mass decreases
– Fatigue and difficulty concentrating

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