What are the different types of infertility tests for women?

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Infertility is never a benign issue when it is discovered because it is potentially depressing for most of the couples.

Recent studies show that infertility is not as discouraging as you might think. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences conducted a study recently which showed that majority of women aged up to 39 did not get pregnant in their first year but got pregnant during the second year without any medical help. The main implication of the study was that they were unable to conceive during the first full year and it sheds light on the way we perceive infertility as an “inability to produce a child” and the way we interpret the failures during the first few times of trying for pregnancy. The study found out that in the age group of 27 and 34 only 6% women were unable to conceive during the second year and in the age group of 35 to 39, only 9 % were unable to conceive during the second year, provided they had healthy partners.

The infertility specialist will probably ask you about your gynecologic history:

  • Your past pregnancies and miscarriages
  • About your menstrual cycle and irregularities in your periods and spotting between periods
  • Changes in the blood flow or any appearance of large blood clots
  • Methods of birth control you used
  • Whether you have gone for any infertility treatments before

Along with that some general question relating to:

  • Your medical history-chronic diseases like infections, STDs and surgeries
  • Use of medications during the past
  • Your use of caffeine, consumption of alcohol, about smoking and drugs
  • Exposures to chemicals, toxins, or radiation at workplace or home
  • Sexual habits-your frequency of sex and extramarital relationships. Etc.

The different types of infertility tests:

  • To begin with, the doctors may be with pelvic examination first. They can rule out STD infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea or other genital infections that can contribute to infertility.
  • A follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) test may be done to find the cause of infertility. FSH is produced by the pituitary gland which regulates menstrual and reproductive functions. It is commonly used to evaluate woman’s egg production and supply and problems with menstruation. This test is done during your period and then again after you are ovulating to understand the levels of FSH and its effects on your fertility.
  • A Postcoital test can also be suggested. This test has to be performed few hours after you have intercourse. Your cervical mucus is taken for microscopic examination. This test helps to evaluate whether the sperms survive in your uterus or not by knowing their interaction with the cervical mucous.
  •  The transvaginal ultrasound exam is done to check the condition of uterus and ovaries. With this test, the doctors can evaluate if there is any problem in the ovarian follicles that produce eggs. This test also tells about any structural problems of the fallopian tubes and the uterus. This exam is done typically 15 days before a woman’s next expected menstrual period.
  • Hysterosalpingogram(HSG). It is a radiological procedure which is actually an X-ray imaging which gives detailed information regarding the shape of the Fallopian tubes. Because of the contrast material that is used the imaging; it facilitates an interior view of fallopian tubes and the uterus. It is commonly advised to women having a problem in conceiving or the ones who have problems in pregnancy due to many miscarriages. This test is capable of detecting the following causes of infertility in women.
  • Obstruction in the Fallopian tube
  • Scar in the tissue of the uterus
  • Uterine tumors
  • Uterine polyps
  • Abnormalities in the uterus
  • Structural change in the uterus
  • Post-surgical conditions


  • Hysteroscopy. This exam is orderedif a problem is detected in HSG. In this procedure, a thin telescope-like instrument is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and the cervix. With this instrument, the doctors can photograph the inside of the uterus where they think the expected problem lies.
  • Laparoscopy. When the above tests are doneand some promising evaluation is expected your doctor may go for laparoscopy. In this, a laparoscope is inserted through a small incision to check out endometriosis, scarring, and other related conditions. This process is a little more invasive compared to HSG and it can be done only under general anesthesia.
  • Endometrial biopsy. This is a biopsy of the tissue of the inner lining of the uterus and it is usedto determine if your uterus is normal for implanting an embryo. A small tissue sample is removed with the help of a catheter that is inserted into the uterus through the vagina. The sample is then analyzed in the lab. This process is a little bit painful so it is preceded with the administration of a painkiller.

Although as per the clinical standard, infertility is diagnosed when a woman is unable to conceive after one year of continuous trying, this does not necessarily mean that she is infertile. Nevertheless, the different types of infertility tests for women can help determine the exact causes of infertility but the study indicates that there are exceptions to the diagnostic standards and a majority of women will get pregnant during the second year without any medical help. So, if you are in the phase of deciding on whether you should get tested or not, you can give some more time if the second year is still running.

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For more details,

Dr.Narahari Malagaonkar

Fertility Consultant

 MD, DNB, FCPS, DFP ( Mumbai),

Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (Singapore)

Contact@+919403932404,0253-2347721, E-Mail: drmalagaonkar@progenesisivf.com

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