Low Progesterone: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

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Progesterone is a type of female sex hormone that regulates several functions of the female reproductive system. However, its most important function is to prepare the uterus (womb) of a woman to host a pregnancy. Progesterone is mainly produced by the ovaries and plays a vital role in maintaining the menstrual cycle as well as ensuring the safety of the pregnancy in its initial stages.

Facts about Progesterone Hormone

  • Progesterone deficiency can affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant.
  • A fertility test is the only reliable way of knowing if a woman is producing adequate levels of progesterone.
  • Among women who are not planning to get pregnant, the progesterone level ranges from 0.2 – 1 ng/ml before ovulation and over 5 ng/ml after ovulation.
  • During the luteal phase, the level of progesterone increases and may even exceed 200 ng/ml if pregnancy does occur.
  • For pregnant women, a high level of progesterone in the blood is necessary until the baby is born. In fact, pregnant women who lack progesterone are prescribed supplements to avoid the possibility of a miscarriage.

Symptoms of low Progesterone

Symptoms of low progesterone levels among women who are not pregnant vary greatly. The known symptoms may include:

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Mood changes and depression
  • Weight gain
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Infertility

Causes of low Progesterone

  • High estrogen levels
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of adequate nutrition
  • Insulin resistance/diabetes
  • Chronic stress.
  • Reversing many of these causes often brings positive results as far as progesterone levels are concerned.

Treatment for low Progesterone

Women with low progesterone should adopt a healthy and active lifestyle, consume nutritious food that is rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, and zinc, and manage stress. Treatments that help with low progesterone levels include:

  • Topical or vaginal creams and gels
  • Pills: Oral progesterone pills that can be consumed.
  • Injections: To help maintain your uterine lining throughout pregnancy or IVF treatment, progesterone can be given as a shot (injected into your skin)


What are the symptoms of low progesterone?

The very noticeable symptom of low progesterone is irregular and short cycles of periods. Other symptoms include:
– Severe headaches
– Thyroid Dysfunction
– Weight gain
– Infertility
– Fibroids and endometriosis
– Mood swings
– Sleep disturbances
– Anxiety
– Depression

What are the high progesterone symptoms? 

The very common signs of high levels of progesterone are: 
– Weight fluctuations
– Fatigue
– Breast Tenderness 
– Bloating
– Discomfort or pain in the legs
– Water retention
– Diarrhea
– Constipation
– Tiredness
– Changes to sex drive/libido

What are the causes of low progesterone?

The causes of low progesterone mostly include:
– Stress
– Poor diet 
– Thyroid disorders
– High levels of prolactin 
– Certain medications
– Problems with the ovaries
– Hormonal changes 

How does low progesterone affect pregnancy?

Low progesterone can increase the risk of miscarriage, as it affects your uterine lining. It can also make it harder for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus, leading to infertility. Other cases of preterm labor, and other complications during pregnancy are also the result of low progesterone.  It can also make it harder for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus, and lead to infertility.

What are the treatments for low progesterone?

Low levels of progesterone are treated with the combination of medical supplements and lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, improving diet, and addressing underlying medical conditions etc. Also supplementations  through pills, creams, or injections are advised. 

What are the high progesterone symptoms in early pregnancy?

High progesterone symptoms in early pregnancy often include:
– Fatigue
– Breast tenderness
– Mood swings
– Bloating
– Constipation
– Increased appetite
– Mild cramping or spotting

Note: These symptoms can also be caused by other factors and may not always  necessarily indicate high progesterone levels.

What are the progesterone rich foods during pregnancy?

Progesterone is not found in significant amounts in foods, but there are some foods that support progesterone production in the body. These include foods are: 
– Chicken
– Fish/oysters
– Bananas
– Potatoes
– Pistachio nuts 
– Spinach
– Pumpkin seeds
– Lentils

What is the treatment for high progesterone levels?

The treatment for high progesterone levels depends on the underlying cause. 
If high progesterone levels are due to a medical condition, such as ovarian or adrenal tumors, treatment may involve surgery or medication to address the tumor. 
But if the levels of progesterone are high progesterone due to the side effects of medication, then adjusting the dosage or switching to a different medicine can be helpful. 

What are the symptoms of low progesterone during pregnancy?

Low progesterone can also increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm birth. 
Symptoms of low progesterone during pregnancy are:
– Vaginal bleeding or spotting
– Abdominal pain or cramping
– Lower back pain
– Decreased fetal movement
– Early contractions

Note: These symptoms can also be caused by other factors and may not always  necessarily indicate low progesterone levels.

Low Progesterone: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

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