When Do You Need to Have a Fertility Check?

A couple should seek fertility testing if they have been actively trying to conceive for more than a year without success. Fertility testing can determine the cause(s) of infertility, allowing the condition to be correctly treated and the couple to conceive.

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A woman should seek fertility testing if she has been actively attempting to conceive for more than a year through regular unprotected intercourse with her spouse. If a woman is 35 or older, she should seek fertility testing after six months of attempting to conceive.

A man should consider fertility testing if he and his spouse are having problems conceiving or if he has a medical history that could lead to infertility.

Infertility affects both men and women equally, thereby both partners should undergo testing. Fertility testing can assist in identifying the cause(s) of infertility, allowing the problem to be properly treated and giving the couple the best chance of conceiving.

How will I know if I’m infertile?

It can be difficult to determine whether you are genuinely infertile. Often, there are no indicators of infertility other than the inability to become or remain pregnant. The only way to know for sure is to see a doctor and undergo infertility testing.

Certain health issues can make becoming pregnant more challenging. Don’t wait a year to consult your doctor if you or your spouse have a history of:

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Irregular periods
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Repeated miscarriages
  • Thyroid issues
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Injury or trauma to the scrotum and testicles
  • Problems obtaining an erection
  • Issues with ejaculation

Some doctors recommend that women over the age of 35 seek infertility testing after six months of attempting to conceive. Your family doctor or gynecologist can check you for infertility or send you to a fertility expert.

When will a doctor suggest fertility testing?

You are attempting to conceive: If you’re under 35, most doctors recommend waiting for at least a year before testing. If you’re between the ages of 35 and 40, you can talk to your doctor about your concerns after six months. If you are over 40, your doctor may recommend testing soon.

You have other grounds to be concerned: If you have had cancer treatment, suspect you have a STI, or have other health issues that may impair your fertility, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

You have undergone fertility treatments before: If you have already undergone fertility treatment in the past, you should consult with a doctor.

You are taking specific medications: If you’re taking medications that may affect your fertility or pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.

You need donated sperm or eggs: If you require donated sperm or eggs to conceive a child, you should consult your doctor.

What to expect during a fertility examination?

Infertility testing typically begins with a nurse or doctor discussing your medical history and performing a physical examination. It can take a few months for your doctor to determine what is causing your fertility issues, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get an answer right away.

  • Fertility testing for females

For fertility testing in females, the doctor will perform a pelvic exam. They may also examine your ovaries and uterus with an ultrasound and provide a blood test to determine your hormone levels. Sometimes you’ll need to begin tracking your ovulation patterns by testing your cervical mucus, taking your temperature, or using home ovulation tests.

If the first exams do not yield the desired results, more tests and procedures are typically administered. A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a unique test that can determine whether your fallopian tubes are open or blocked. A doctor will insert dye into your uterus and then use an X-ray machine to watch it flow through your uterus and fallopian tubes.

In certain circumstances, infertility testing may involve minor operations to examine your inside organs. The doctor will use specialized tools to examine your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus for issues.

  • Fertility testing for males

Fertility testing of sperm and semen often includes a physical examination as well as a sperm analysis. Your semen will be checked for:

  1. Sperm count: The number of sperm found in your sperm
  2. Sperm motility: How rapidly your sperm moves
  3. The size, shape, and quality of your sperm
  4. Quantity of seminal fluid

You may also be given a blood test to see if you have any hormonal issues that will make it difficult for you to conceive.

How is infertility treated?

There are various infertility treatments. The types that are most appropriate for you are determined by the cause of your fertility issues. Sometimes only one person requires treatment, while at other times, both partners will require to undergo a combination of treatments.

Infertility treatment may include lifestyle modifications, medications, hormone therapy, and surgical procedures. If you have problems with your sperm or eggs, you can use donated sperm or eggs. IUI and IVF are two of the most often used reproductive treatments, due to their high success rates.

Infertility treatment usually begins with a consultation with a fertility specialist. Your primary doctor or gynecologist can recommend you to a fertility expert. You may also be able to receive fertility treatments or assistance in finding a fertility specialist in your local area based on recommendations or a Google search for the finest fertility clinic near you.

It is critical to remember that no matter how long it takes to complete your family, you should never give up hope.

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