5 things you need to know about male and female infertility

Problems with the quality and quantity of eggs and sperm can be the main cause of infertility in males and females. Being aware of such issues can help in understanding what’s keeping you from conceiving successfully.

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Infertility can be caused by both male and female factors, and sometimes both factors together. Slow swimmers and limited ovarian reserve are not the ideal combination for conceiving. You will require the guidance of some fertility professionals through the ups and downs of conception with weak sperm and poor ovarian reserve. Here are five important things to know about these challenges.

1. Getting a semen analysis is common and important

Around 30% of infertility cases are due to male-factor causes, therefore you’re not the first or last man to have his sperm tested. Semen analysis is the most important male fertility test for establishing the cause of male-factor infertility.

The sperm analysis test evaluates your sperm count, motility, and morphology, as well as the volume and consistency of the ejaculated sample. Normal sperm densities range from 15 million to over 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. A low sperm count is defined as having less than 15 million sperm per milliliter or less than 39 million sperm overall per ejaculation.

2. Low ovarian reserve may not indicate infertility

Despite the widely held notion that low ovarian reserve reduces the likelihood of naturally becoming pregnant, it is vital to recognize that fertility is a delicate balance of several elements that must work perfectly together. While having a low ovarian reserve may present difficulties, it does not rule out the potential of natural conception. If your reserve is low, you have the same probability of becoming pregnant naturally as someone with a high reserve. Fertility is determined by both the quantity and quality of eggs. A person with a limited ovarian reserve can still produce viable, healthy eggs that can be fertilized successfully. Individual reproductive health, hormone balance, and overall well-being all have an impact on the equation. It’s more than simply the ovarian reserve number; it’s about the timing, hormone synchrony, and the tenacity of those determined tiny swimmers. As a result, women with poor ovarian reserve should remain hopeful, acknowledging that their odds of becoming pregnant naturally may be more possible than previously thought.

3. Lifestyle adjustments can help boost your sperm motility

Sometimes your swimmers only need some assistance to improve their speed. This may be accomplished through lifestyle changes. Swap out the midnight snacks for an assortment of fertility-friendly meals. Introduce a fruit and vegetable-rich diet high in antioxidants, such as berries, leafy greens, salmon, nuts, and seeds. In addition, frequent moderate exercise can improve overall cardiovascular health, which can benefit sperm function. Consider brisk walking, jogging, or cycling as cardio training for your sperm. Also, quit smoking and consuming alcohol, which are both significantly harmful for you when trying to increase your sperm quality.

4. Obtain treatment if your ovarian reserve is low

Unfortunately, Mother Mature distributes all the eggs a woman will ever have upon her birth. There’s no way to achieve extra eggs, apart from the original batch. This implies you’re born with all the eggs you’ll ever need; there’s no pill or potion that can boost your supply. While lifestyle changes can improve egg quality, there will be no increase in quantity. Fortunately, people with poor ovarian reserves have the same probability of becoming pregnant naturally as those who have substantial reserves. If you are unable to conceive naturally, fertility treatments such as IVF and ICSI, as well as egg donation, offer possible options.

Despite ongoing obstacles, advances in reproductive treatments provide optimism, emphasizing the necessity of consulting with fertility professionals for personalized advice on resolving low ovarian reserve and other reproduction issues.

5. The sooner you seek help, the better

For couples dealing with slow sperm and low egg reserve, the necessity of obtaining support early in their reproductive journey cannot be emphasized. Time is often of the essence, and seeing a fertility specialist as soon as possible can make all the difference. Fertility experts have the knowledge and instruments to examine the particular dynamics of slow sperm and a poor egg reserve, providing specific recommendations and potential treatments.

Early intervention enables couples to consider a variety of fertility treatments, ranging from lifestyle changes and hormonal therapy to modern assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). By proactively addressing these challenges, couples can increase their chances of conception and approach parenthood with confidence and understanding.

Remember, time can be a difficult challenge, but with the correct support, the route to starting a family becomes a more manageable and hopeful adventure.

Seeking support early in the reproductive journey is essential for overcoming the obstacles of slow sperm and poor egg count. Time may be an issue, but equipped with knowledge, support, and a bit of hope, the journey of starting a family becomes more successful.


Can low numbers of sperm reach the egg?

A low sperm count reduces the likelihood that one of your sperm will fertilize your partner’s egg, resulting in pregnancy. Nonetheless, many men with low sperm counts can successfully father a child.

Is watery sperm healthy?

Watery sperm can sometimes suggest a low sperm count or poor semen quality. These can be caused by specific medical disorders and lifestyle choices. Having watery sperm does not necessarily imply that a person is infertile. People with persistent watery sperm may want to see a doctor.

Is IVF effective for low sperm count?

If a semen examination reveals a very low concentration of normal sperm, fertility doctors frequently recommend IVF. This is because the chances of success are significantly higher with IVF than with timed intercourse or IUI.

Does folic acid help egg quality?

It appears that taking folic acid before pregnancy helps you get pregnant by enhancing female fertility. In fact, folic acid, like all other cells in the body, actively participates in the creation of the oocyte’s DNA molecule. Vitamin B9 thereby enhances oocyte quality.

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