Third Trimester Pregnancy Care Tips

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The third trimester which starts from the 7th month and continues until the baby is delivered. It is a very joyous phase for the couples during pregnancy. It is the time when the mother starts feeling the kicks and the movement of the baby. It is sheer bliss to experience the movement of the infant in the mother’s womb. Through the ultrasound and the sonography, the baby can be clearly seen. It is the time when the baby is completely developed.

In the third trimester, it is believed that the infant reacts to the situations outside. Some doctors suggest that the mother listens to good music and reads good books because the baby conceives whatever is happening around and reacts accordingly.

It is the time that the couple starts preparing for the welcoming the new life to the world. Make their home child-friendly, buy crutches and baby clothes so that they don’t have to rush once the baby is delivered.

This is a crucial moment for the mother as well, the baby’s weight increases and the mother should be able to carry the baby comfortably. To avoid any kind of complexities and to make sure that the baby is healthy and fit and to avoid immature birth and to have a healthy pregnancy, here are some tips to look after the mother in the third trimester.

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