Ovarian cancer and fertility: What to know

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Women who are aspiring for a successful conception rarely suffer from ovarian cancer. Sadly, few women within the fertility age will be diagnosed with this life-threatening disease. Hence, it is important to consult a fertility specialist and learn about the option for preserving fertility and make yourself aware of the alternatives available for starting a family.

Incidents of ovarian cancer

In India, nearly 100 cases of ovarian cancer, on average, are registered in the Department of Gynaecological Oncology every year. Less than 2 percent of the women in the general population are vulnerable to this disease in their lifetime. Nearly 90 percent of the women diagnosed with ovarian cancer are over the age of 40, and the majority of them are over the age of 60. It is the seventh leading cause of cancer death in India, and it claims the lives of nearly 14000 women every year.

Combination of symptoms

Like other cancers, this one too is often diagnosed at a later stage when it has made in-rows and spread to other organs. The typical symptoms are:

  • Bloating
  • Energy Deficiency
  • Frequent urination
  • Pelvic or Abdominal pain
  • A problem in eating and getting full quickly

If you have been suffering from these symptoms for quite a while, it is recommended that you consult with a doctor because when ovarian cancer is detected in stage 1 or stage 2, nearly 95 percent of them are cured. Hence, early diagnosis is essential.

Treatment options

Unfortunately, the treatment of ovarian cancer puts into line her fertility. Ovarian cancer may compel your doctor to remove both the ovaries and other reproductive organs like the uterus and fallopian tubes. Infertility can also result from chemotherapy, particularly when the treatment is started at the earliest without the chances of freezing eggs.

A woman who wants to enjoy family life can find help at the best IVF center where you can opt for Invitro fertilization, surrogacy, or egg donation based on the extent of infertility and treatment. It has been found that if a woman carries mutated genes like BRCA 1 or BRCA 2, then they are more likely to develop ovarian and breast cancer. They should consult a fertility expert or an obstetrician-gynecologist to consider preventive options and participation in infertility treatment.

A confirmed report of ovarian cancer can be terrifying. Most often, it is diagnosed at later stages where the chances of recovery and treatment options are limited. Improving awareness about this condition is a proven way to save lives.

Fertility Options

In vitro fertilization

You can consider the option of IVF if you are lucky enough not to have undergone a total hysterectomy. In this process, eggs are fertilized by the sperm of your partner or a donor and placed into your womb. You can also use donor eggs for the purpose.


In this method, your baby is carried by another woman through pregnancy. Partial or traditional surrogacy is a process where your partner’s sperm or the donor sperm is placed in the vagina of the surrogate. Host or full surrogacy is the process when an embryo created from your partner or donor’s sperm and egg previously harvested from you or a donor is placed in the womb of a surrogate. You must remember that this process is much more complicated.

Fostering and Adoption

Adoption is the process where you undertake the responsibility of parenting a child from their biological or legal parents. All responsibilities and custody rights are transferred permanently to the adopting parents.

Likewise, fostering is a way of providing a home to a child when it is difficult for them to live with their biological parents. It involves providing care in emergencies and for a longer time. Their biological parents will stay in touch with their children, and someday hopefully, they will return home. In contemporary times, most of the adoption agencies permit a cancer survivor to adopt a child while some may ask for a doctor’s certificate of good health, while others may require you to spend a certain amount of time following your cancer treatment.

Dealing with your emotions

Being unable to conceive and raise a child can be frustrating and difficult to deal with. On the other hand, you have not desired for a baby after considering all the fertility options with your spouse and fertility specialists. It takes courage to decide that you are going to enjoy life without having any children.

Once you have completed the treatment of ovarian cancer, you may experience a gush of negative emotions for not being able to become a parent. It becomes difficult to share your emotions with your spouse and parents. You may even find it difficult to feel overjoyed for your friends and family member s who are becoming new parents. Remember, it is important to disclose these feelings rather than keeping them suppressed     

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