Bursting 7 Myths about trying to conceive

Knowing the right time to conceive plays a very important role in helping you get pregnant naturally. Quite often people are unaware of when to start trying as information received by them regarding the matter varies vastly. It is important that you be able to distinguish between the myths and the facts when trying to have a baby.

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MYTH 1. Having sex on the ovulation day improves your chances of getting pregnant

Although the timing of intercourse is important for conception, a woman has the best chance of becoming pregnant when she performs intercourse 24-48 hours before ovulation because this is when she is most fertile.

It is ideal to have intercourse two to three days prior to ovulation so that sperm are ready to meet the egg, as the egg must be fertilized within 12 hours of its release.

MYTH 2. You can conceive naturally at any age if you’re fit and healthy

It is harmful to believe that infertility affects all people equally. Fertility problems can affect anyone, including young, healthy individuals. Genetic abnormalities and other illnesses can also have an impact on fertility.

The age of the woman is the most important factor influencing a couple’s chances of becoming pregnant because, as one ages, the quantity of viable eggs in the ovaries decreases considerably, especially in those over 35. If a couple is under 35, they often think about consulting a professional after 12 months of trying; if they are over 35, they usually think about it after 6 months.

MYTH 3. If my partner doesn’t ejaculate for a week, he’ll have more viable sperm

Does abstinence increase sperm count? Certainly not. Sperm should ideally only stay two to three days in the epididymis before ejaculation because this is where they are exposed to toxins, temperature changes, and free radicals during their creation in the testes and subsequent storage. Every two to three days, ejaculation yields the highest quality sperm. A protracted period causes a large number of damaged or dead sperm to be produced.

In order to increase the likelihood that you will become pregnant, fertility professionals advise having sex every few days within the woman’s receptive window. Sperm can survive in the womb and fallopian tubes for up to three days.

MYTH 4. After taking birth control pills for nearly a decade, my fertility must have decreased

If you have been using an IUD, implant, or oral contraceptive pill, it may take some time for your body to return to its normal cycle; nonetheless, utilizing contraception for any length of time does not result in infertility. Although doctors advise waiting a cycle after stopping contraception, getting pregnant during your first cycle is entirely possible.

MYTH 5. During your fertile window, you must have sex every day

If your desire to become pregnant isn’t being satisfied, it would be easy for the overachievers among you to believe that having sex every day will increase your chances of getting pregnant. However, research indicates that having sex every third or second day will have an equivalent effect on fertility as having sex every day. It is important to not try under stress or pressure.

MYTH 6. You can determine when you ovulate by taking your temperature

The ovary generates progesterone after ovulation, which raises basal body temperature by a degree, on average three to four days after ovulation. Only if you utilize your temperature to calculate the dates of your earliest and latest ovulations over the past few months will it be useful to identify when you ovulate. From seven days prior to the earliest day of ovulation until the latest date of ovulation, experts advise having regular intercourse.

MYTH 7. Seeking assistance involves costly IVF rounds

About 20% of couples will require some assistance in order to conceive, but many choose not to seek professional assistance due to the misconception that it is expensive and that IVF is the only option. Fertility professionals can help with conception in a variety of ways, including tracking the ovulation cycle, ovulation induction, and intrauterine insemination (IUI) prior to considering in vitro fertilization (IVF).

It is highly recommended that you see a fertility doctor if you have been trying to get pregnant for 12 months or longer without success (or 6 months if you are over 35 years of age).


Why does poor ovulation occur?

Age, congenital abnormalities, and hormone deficits can all cause ovulation failure. Evaluating the ovarian reserve involves the assessment of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels by a doctor. To ascertain the quantity and quality of eggs that exist in a woman’s ovary, a blood test is conducted.

What are the signs that you can’t get pregnant?

The failure to conceive following a year of consistent, unprotected sexual activity is known as infertility. You should consult a reproductive doctor and get advice on your situation as soon as possible.

How old is too old to get pregnant?

The late teens and early 20s are when women are most fertile. The capacity to become pregnant starts to decrease by the age of thirty. Once you hit your mid-30s, this drop occurs more quickly. By the age of 45, natural conception is improbable due to a significant drop in fertility or menopause.

How to get pregnant?

If you have intercourse within a day or so of ovulation, your chances of getting pregnant increase. Typically, this occurs 14 days following the start of your most recent menstrual cycle. After release, an egg has a 12- to 24-hour lifespan. The egg has to be fertilized within this window of time for you to get pregnant.

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