How Many Days Does Sperm Live in the Female Body?

The duration of a sperm's life after ejaculation is determined by a variety of circumstances. Good-quality sperm can survive for several days in a woman's reproductive tract, making fertilization possible.

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How Many Days Does Sperm Live in the Female Body

Sperm can live outside the uterus for a short period of time, depending on the environment. Sperm perish quickly on dry surfaces, such as clothing or bedding, since they are extremely sensitive to dehydration. However, in a warm, moist environment, such as within a body of water or inside cervical mucus, sperm can live for several hours. When sperm are ejaculated into the female reproductive system, they can survive for up to five days under optimum conditions because the cervical mucus feeds and protects them. This variation emphasizes the role of environmental factors in determining sperm survival outside of the uterus. 

Fertilization is also possible as long as the sperm survives. Semen can be frozen to retain sperm for several years, allowing for subsequent fertilisation. Read on to learn how many days does sperm live in the female body and how to plan for conception.  

Lifespan of Sperm Inside the Uterus

Here is all you need to know about the lifespan of sperm inside the uterus: 

1. Average Lifespan

The average life span of a sperm, i.e., how long a sperm survives, depends on the amount of time it remains inside a woman. Sperm can live in a woman’s vagina for 5-7 days. However, it can only exist for a few minutes if released in the open. Sperm remains in the man’s body for around 74 days before ejaculation. Following this, the sperm cells die and are reabsorbed by the body.

2. Ideal Circumstances

Sperm dries up and dies on any dry surface, including clothing. Warmth and wetness promote the longevity of sperm. It thrives longer on wet, moist, or warm surfaces, such as hot tubs and human skin. However, even if the water is close to body temperature, it separates and disperses sperm from the protective fluids found in semen.

Also Read: What is Normal Sperm Count?

Factors Affecting Sperm Lifespan

The factors affecting sperm lifespan include: 

1. Uterine Environment

The uterine environment influences how long sperm can dwell in the uterus. Fertile cervical mucus enhances the likelihood that the sperm will survive longer inside the vagina. The most mobile sperm go through the layers of cervical fluid that surround the uterine opening (cervix). The cervix produces and releases this fluid. During ovulation, this barrier thins and its acidity alters, creating a more favorable environment for sperm survival. As a result, the cervical fluid serves as a reservoir for sperm, allowing them to live longer.   

2. The Woman’s Health

Sperm survival is dependent on the health of the woman’s uterus, fallopian tubes, and vagina. The fluid of a woman’s reproductive system contains all of the nutrients essential for sperm to survive. If the woman is healthy and all of the fluids in her vagina are normal, the sperm can survive for a long time. Wondering how long sperm can survive in a female body with unfavorable inside conditions? In this instance, the sperm will perish within a few hours.

3. pH Level 

The pH of the vaginal canal is naturally acidic. During ovulation, the fluid surrounding the uterine entrance (cervix) thins and changes its acidity to allow the sperm to survive longer. Even then, only the healthiest sperm survive the first 12 hours after entering the vagina. 

Also Read: Low Sperm Count Treatment | Causes & Signs

The Ideal Time for Conception

The optimal timing for conception includes the following days: 

1. Fertility Window

The fertility window is the time of a woman’s menstrual cycle when she has the best possibility of conceiving successfully. Healthy sperm can last for up to 5 days in a female body. In contrast, an egg can survive for 12-24 hours after ovulation. So, for most people, the fertile window is 5 days before ovulation, the day of ovulation, and 1 day after.

2. Around ovulation

During ovulation, the ovary produces a developed egg, which travels down the fallopian tube and stays in the uterus for 12-24 hours. This is when it can be fertilized by sperm. As a result, the best time to conceive is around ovulation. It takes place around the fourteenth day of a menstrual cycle.

Also Check: Semen Analysis Test: Purpose, Procedure, & Results


Having complete knowledge of your fertility, be it of males or females, gives you advantage when it comes to becoming parents. Visit our website for more informative articles on fertility and ART treatments.

FAQs on Lifespan of Sperm in Uterus

1. What percent of sperm live 3 days?

Sperm can survive in the female reproductive system for around three days following ejaculation. However, survival time can be determined by a variety of circumstances.

2. How long does sperm live outside the body?

How long your sperm can live outside of the body is determined by where it is. Your sperm can live outside the body for up to 15 to 30 minutes in a favorable environment. If it is on a dry surface, such as a table or clothing, it will perish as soon as it dries.

3. Can 3 day old sperm fertilize an egg?

Yes, sperm can fertilize an egg for up to five days following ejaculation. Sperm can survive in the female reproductive system for several days, whereas eggs can only survive for about 12 to 24 hours following ovulation. 

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