Do you really need ICSI?

Determining whether you need Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) depends on various factors related to infertility. ICSI is often recommended for couples where male infertility is a significant issue, such as low sperm count or poor sperm quality.

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The path towards parenthood, when you are having infertility issues, is not always easy to cross. Many hurdles and obstructions come in the path of pregnancy and successful childbirth and for that, one needs to be strong enough- both mentally and physically! When talking about infertility treatment and solutions, there are various methods that can be implemented.

The usage and implementation of these many methods depend entirely on the conditions of the infertile individual and the gender as well. When a male is infertile or has issues with his sperm production and erection, there are certain treatments that are followed whereas when a female is infertile or unable to give birth to a child, there are certain methods that are followed.

Overall, infertile couples must not lose hope under any circumstances and keep faith in the treatment process through which they can also experience parenthood easily. Amongst all other ivf treatment methods, ICSI treatment stands out because of its efficiency in producing positive results.

It has a success rate of about 85-90% in recent times which instils faith in the infertile couples of having a baby of their own even though they suffer from the inability to give birth to a child. Now, the question is, do you really need the treatment of ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection? Well, we will explore the possibilities here in this article below. Keep reading

Who all needs an ICSI treatment?

The ICSI treatment is needed by those couples who are unable to give birth to a child naturally or by single parents and gay or lesbian couples. The ability to produce healthy sperm or not producing enough sperm to fertilise the eggs makes men infertile and here, the ICSI procedure can help.

Also, in cases where they suffer from erection issues, their semen can be extracted through the ICSI procedure and used to fertilize the egg cells of the female partner.

Likewise, in cases where a female cannot produce gametes or carry the baby in her womb but the male is normal, the sperm of the male partner is used to fertilize the egg of a donor or surrogate mother to have a baby of their own. These people are benefitted from the procedure.

What is the treatment procedure?

At first, the semen is extracted from a healthy donor or the male partner and cultured in the lab to extract a single sperm cell from it. The infertility experts make the sperm cell healthy enough to fertilise the egg cells and form a zygote.

As the acrosome reaction does not happen in this procedure, the chances of a successful result increase three-folds. After the sperm is injected into the egg cell successfully, you need to wait for a few weeks to confirm the pregnancy.

What is the cost of ICSI treatment?

If you have to go through repeated cycles of the ICSI procedure to attain pregnancy then it may cost you much more than what you expect. But if you are successful in attaining pregnancy within the first or second attempt then the expenses are not too high.

Though a bit expensive for the below-average earning individuals, an entire ICSI cycle could cost you around 2.5 to 3 lakhs. The cost of fertility experts and the treatment increases as you opt for better facilities and super speciality clinics.

Is there any other option more efficient than ICSI?

Well, there are various ivf methods which are efficient for the couples who need an IVF treatment for their infertility but not all these treatments provide as many successful results as the ICSI procedure.

As no acrosome reaction or the indulgence of several sperm cells is associated with this treatment, it becomes easier for the single sperm to penetrate into the ovum or egg cell and fertilize it to form the zygote.

The efficiency of this treatment is high and thus, it is very popular amongst the infertile individuals. So, if you are looking for ICSI treatment as an option to explore the possibilities of your infertility, it is entirely a good decision!

The bottom line

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI procedure is mainly used for couples where the male suffers from infertility. The healthy sperm cell is extracted from a donor and injected into the egg cell of the female partner to facilitate further pregnancy and childbirth process.

It also shows an effect if there is a female infertility issue in a couple as the sperm from the male partner can be extracted and used to fertilize the eggs of a surrogate mother to produce a child of their own.

Thus, in both cases, you may need ICSI treatment as it counts for better results and positive pregnancy outcomes. Do not delay in the treatment and consult an infertility expert as soon as you find out you are facing difficulty in getting pregnant.

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