What are the different infertility treatments available in India

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A variety of procedures can be used to diagnose the cause of infertility in a couple who are typically unable to conceive or have had many miscarriages. They range from simple blood tests to more complicated analytical methods. In any case, diagnosis is a crucial first step to determine the causes and then decide on the appropriate therapeutic path that should be followed. In addition to the cause itself, other factors, such as the age of the woman, or problems shared by both partners, might also influence the type of treatment to be administered.

What treatment options are available for infertile couples?

Different infertility treatment options are offered to couples depending on the cause of the problem and he nature of the infertility diagnosed. The vast majority of female patients are successfully treated with the administration of drugs such as Clomiphene Citrate, Bromocriptine or Gonadotrophins.

If there is damage to the reproductive organs surgery can also be a means to resolve the problems, such as those caused by endometriosis and infectious diseases. Treatment options for male infertility also include the administration of drugs, surgery and assisted reproductive technologies, such as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

In ICSI one singe sperm is injected with a minute needle into the egg to create pregnancy.  Drug therapy and surgery have proved very successful for specific types of male infertility. However, in considerably higher number of cases, the reasons men have fertility problems remain unexplained and the treatment methods used are only empirical with the hope of getting results. This is the reason some patients require complex medical intervention to diagnose the reasons for their infertility.

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are a part of several different methods designed to overcome barriers which are there blocking natural fertilization such as anatomical problems (e.g. blocked fallopian tubes). One of these techniques is in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and it has now been practiced for more than 15 years. Overall, the estimated number of infertile patients currently treated by ART is around 20% but the success rate of this treatment depends on the nature of the problem.

How successful are these infertility treatments?

When talking of success rates for any type of infertility treatment, it is important to observe that for a normally fertile couple the average chance to conceive through regular unprotected intercourse is around 25% during each menstrual cycle. It is estimated that 10% of normally fertile couples fail to conceive within their first year of attempt and 5% after two years. With the administration of effective treatments the fertility rate during or after the treatment reign can be expected to be up to 25% per cycle of treatment, which is comparable to normal fertility rate. Therefore, repeated treatment cycles may be required several times until a pregnancy is achieved.

A treatment called simple ovulation induction which compensates hormonal imbalances has a very high success rate; more than 80% in women suffering from such disorders. They are likely to conceive after 6 to 12 cycles of treatment with drugs such as Clomiphene Citrate or Gonadotrophins. The pregnancy rates may be increased if this is combined with Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).


Whichever infertility treatment method is to be used some important factors need to be considered when referring to the success rates. The age of the woman and the duration of the couple’s infertility are likely to influence the success rate of the treatment. In case of women, fecundity decreases as they age, particularly after menopause. Nevertheless the chances of conceiving are also reduced if their partner also sufferers infertility.

Progenesis Success Stories and Recognition:

For more details,

Dr.Narahari Malagaonkar

Fertility Consultant

MD, DNB, FCPS, DFP ( Mumbai),

Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (Singapore)

Contact@+919403932404,0253-2347721, E-Mail: drmalagaonkar@progenesisivf.com

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