What’s The Difference between Male and Female Fertility Treatments?

Infertility is common in both males and females, and while the disorder is prevalent, the treatment should be equally accessible for both! Though there are different kinds of treatments available, the approach should be tailored to the individual needs of each person.

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Infertility is common in both males and females and while the disorder is common, the treatment ought to be common too! Though there are different kinds of infertility treatment options for men and women, the common result for both of them is to fix the infertility woes and make them able to produce a child of their own without any means of artificial assistance.

In cases, where the male and female cannot biologically produce a child, the artificial means or the IVF procedures are used to provide a solution to their infertility and thus help them attain parenthood without many worries!

Today, the developments in science and technology have opened a lot of resources which was not available a few decades back. Then, the infertile couples only had hopes in adoption or biological surrogacies unlike now when the options of infertility treatment are immense and have bought the joy of parenthood in the lives of any unfortunate infertile couples who lost hopes on the same.

Though the motive behind the male and female fertility treatment is the same, there is a difference in the odes of treatments and the way the reproductive functionalities of both the genders are taken care of! Let us know more details on the same here in this article. Keep reading

Male fertility treatment factors

When it comes to treating the infertility issues, the first and foremost thing that the experts try to diagnose is the reason behind the disorder, once the reason is verified, the treatment is provided keeping that in mind.

For men, the main causes of infertility include non-erection of the penis, less or no sperm production hormonal imbalance, problems in ejaculation, less sexual desire, etc. When all these conditions are diagnosed in a male the treatment is provided accordingly.

From medications to surgeries, all kinds of treatment is applied to the affected individuals to treat the disorder. When every other alternative fails, then a sperm donor might be hired to assist the male in the IVF process and help them have his own child through the process.

As male does not have to bear a child like the women do, in case of IVF procedure, only a sperm donor is enough to carry forward the process that is not the case in interfile women.

Female fertility treatments

Women need to be more efficient with their reproductive system as they need to produce the gametes and carry the baby as well. So, a minor issue with their reproductive system can cause complexities in the pregnancy and may lead to miscarriage also.

When it comes to the treatments, the females can also undergo medications and surgeries to alter certain conditions with their reproductive system apart from the IVF solutions that are available to assist them in cases of permanent infertility. If the surgical and medical assistance fails somehow to bring positive result than there are various kinds of IVF solutions available for the women to experience the joy of pregnancy and motherhood.

In cases where the female cannot produce gametes, an egg donor might be required to donate her gametes for the fertilization process and then the zygote is transferred to the uterus of the woman to facilitate further growth of the child.

Likewise, in cases where a woman cannot bear a child in her womb, the help of a surrogate mother can be taken to lend her womb to the couple and let the child grow in her womb and then handover the child to the parents after a successful childbirth process. So, there is a stiff difference between male and female infertility treatment which is depicted here!

The final take

The cause of infertility in a male and a female is different in some aspects and there are some common causes as well. Likewise, the modes of treatment of the infertility issues of both the genders are also different from each other, no wonder the treatment mode is the same! If we go by the infertility causes, then the most common causes affecting individuals today is their way of living life.

The constant exposure to harmful climatic conditions, the irregularity in eating and sleeping patterns, the excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, etc. are reason enough to let your reproductive system suffer to an extent where you can be temporarily or permanently infertile.

Also, certain clinical conditions in both male and females, birth defects, abnormal hormonal conduct is responsible for making people infertile. But thankfully, there are treatment and solutions available today which cuts of the fear of living with permanent infertility and being able to enjoy parenthood like the normal couples.

The IVF methods are a boon to such couples’ lives who cannot give birth to a child biologically. Thus, if you or your near ones suffer from infertility woes, there is nothing to worry about! The infertility experts have got you covered!

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