What Is Fallopian Tube Blockage?

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Blocked fallopian tubes are a main reason why many couples cannot get pregnant. The fallopian tubes are important if you want to conceive naturally, as they allow sperm to each the egg and they provide a path for the ovaries to release the egg. There are a numerous reasons why fallopian tubes can become blocked, including dehydration and scar tissue build up.  The fallopian tubes consist of strong muscle tissue, covered by ciliated cells. Ciliated cells are cells that have microscopic hair-like projections that push objects towards the uterus. The ciliated cells are protected with thin mucus to keep the fallopian tubes soft and pliable, and to sustain optimal survival conditions for sperm and eggs.

Cause of Fallopian Tube Blockage

There are number of reasons, why fallopian tubes can become blocked, but the most common ones are Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PDI) which is caused by STD and endometriosis.

An Ultrasound may be done along with other blood work that your doctor may see fit to determine the cause of the blockage. If this condition is suspected by your doctor a specialized x-ray may be ordered, this is called, Husterosalping or HSG for short, a special dye is administered in the cervix and the procedure is carried out.

Treatment for Blocked Tubes

If both Tubes are blocked, a laparoscopic surgery may be necessary to open the blocked tubes or remove scar tissue in the Tube that is causing the problem. On the other hand, if one Tube is blocked your doctor may administer fertility Therapy which will increase your chances of getting pregnant. The success of the procedure depends on the amount of scar tissue, where the adhesion is located in the tube and adhesion that need to be removed.

Women who are experiencing difficulty getting pregnant, and having consistent abdominal pain should see their doctor without delay because it could be a sign something very serious. This treatment does not always work, it depends on the woman’s age, a younger woman has a higher chance for success with procedure as oppose to older women.

What Is Fallopian Tube Blockage

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