Factors that lead to the successful IVF treatment in India?

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In Vitro Fertilization treatment or IVF is a common treatment of infertility which is quite complex and involves plenty of procedures and medications. Together they determine the probability of success from the treatment. Before starting the treatment, t is important to sort out the factors which dictate the outcome. It must be remembered that going through IVF treatment in India can be physically and emotionally cumbersome and not to forget the total cost of the treatment, which may soar high with time. Some factors which determine the IVF success rate in Mumbai are discussed below.

1. Embryo and Egg Quality

Embryo or egg quality has a direct impact on reproductive abilities. It is something that reproductive age has a negative correlation with the IVF outcome. There is a significant drop in the live birth rates of a woman’s increasing age. It tends to drop at 50 per cent among women in the age group of the mid and late 30s. It further comes down to 25 per cent among women in the age group of 40 and above with every new IVF cycle. A drop in IVF’s rate of success with increasing age may be attributed to the poor quality and decreasing number of eggs in the ovaries.

Patients suffering from PCOS, i.e. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is characterized by increased LH levels in Blood. Further, there is an increased amount of ovarian androgen production leading to poor embryo quality, immature eggs, and retarded growth of endometrial. Besides the method of ovarian stimulation also determines the quality of embryo or egg and influences its maturation, chances of being fertilized and subsequent progression to good quality embryos.

2. Timing of Ovulation and Stimulation Protocols

IVF treatment incorporates different protocols of ovarian stimulation. There is a lack of empirical research on the effectiveness of medications and protocols specific to patient subgroups with the varied underlying condition of infertility. Patients having PCOS tend to be high responders. So, in this case, there is a chance that ovulation is triggered early resulting in immature eggs. There is also a possibility of an undesirable contrast where eggs may over mature, which are uncongenial for healthy oocytes. It results from over stimulation resulting in the formation of overgrown follicles whose size varies between 25 and 30 mm. There is no one-size-fits-all as far the desirable timing of ovulation is concerned, and it varies among individuals.

3. Endometriums Receptivity

The medical fraternity believes that infertility may happen due to the inherent anatomical defects in the uterus. It has been understood that the presence of fibroid in the uterine wall may adversely affect fertility. If polyps or fibroid are present inside the endometrial cavity or adjacent to it may cast a negative impact on the implantation ability resulting in repeated pregnancy loss. Recurrent miscarriages may be an outcome of Intrauterine Adhesions. An ultrasound scan of the vagina may reveal the presence of fibroid in the myometrium. Large enough lesions may also be found in the endometrial cavity through an ultrasound scanning.

4. The Embryo Transfer

It is undoubtedly one of the most important steps of the IVF treatment that will determine its success. Minimizing trauma in this process holds the utmost importance. Proper placement of the embryo with the help of ultrasound guidance occupies a position of pivotal importance in the whole ET process. Some evidence shows that it enhances pregnancy chances. During the transfer process is there is moderate cramping of the uterus or bleeding, then it could be indicators of a traumatic transfer.

5. The integrity of Sperm DNA

There are certain tools for measuring the clinically important properties of sperm nuclear chromatin integrity. In this regard, mention could be made to the Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay. Its results exhibit the potential of sperm from a given male to create an embryo such that it can grow on to result in a live birth. It makes use of met achromatic features of DNA probe, acridine orange, and the principles of flow Cytometry.

The parameters of classical sperm quality analysis and SDI assay data do not correlate well. There are shreds of evidence to suggest that they produce poor results. SDI is indicative of DNA damage which may be present in the sperm of both infertile and fertile men. Hence, it may reveal a hidden cause of infertility which may have gone unnoticed on the parameters of normal standard sperm.

There is an increased chance of abnormal SDI assay when done for abnormal semen analysis. Clinics that specialize in male sperm DNA integrity will find the assay helpful for their purpose. It may provide a proper insight into the fertility potential, embryo development, and other reproductive toxic ants. Conventional semen analysis parameters in no way determine SDI/SCSA parameters. These two are independent of one another. Thus, it may prove effective only when there has been substantial DNA damages as the underlying cause of infertility.

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