What are the factors affecting on IVF success rate

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The success rate of an IVF procedure is not consistent, and it tends to vary as per demographic conditions.  IVF success rate depends on several factors, including pre-existing medical conditions. For instance, an incident of tubal blockage yields desirable results from IVF treatment. On the other hand, the same treatment falls behind on incidents of recurring miscarriage or thin endometrium. Other factors that harm the success rate of IVF are abnormal exposure to DES, latent tuberculosis, and fibroids.

Some malefactors negatively impact fertility and the rate of IVF success. However, with the advent of the latest treatments like ICSI and modern sperm selection procedures, there is a considerable increase in the rate of success. Some factors that influence the success of IVF treatment in India are listed below:

Patients age

The success rate of IVF is largely dependent on the patient’s age. Among elderly women, over the age of 35, the success percentage of IVF takes a drastic downslide. Here, one of the important things to note about is the age of the egg. With increasing age, the quality and quantity of egg drop substantially. It is up to the physician to formulate a plan of ovarian stimulation, the number of embryos that can be transferred, etc. It is possible to transfer around five embryos in one chance.

Infertility duration

The success rate of infertility treatment like IVF greatly depends on how long you have been infertile. A sharp decrease in the success rate is witnessed if the duration of infertility is comparable to the woman’s age. As it turns out, you may only be left with the option of egg donation.

Recurrent miscarriages 

If you have a history of recurrent miscarriages, then you need to be on guard even before commencing the treatment. Delivering a live baby can prove to be a difficult task for such a woman.

Dysfunctional Ovulation 

The success rate of an IVF treatment is also a variable of ovarian dysfunction. Patients who are having a low level of AMH and high level of FSH have a low probability of success.

Dual Infertility factors

Unfortunately, if both the husband and wife are coping with infertility factors, then the chances of a successful IVF procedure drops significantly.

Using donor embryo or egg

Women falling in the age group of 35 to 40 years can opt to have a donor egg from a young female. It is a good alternative and has a decent success rate. Since factors like egg quality and age are chief determinants of IVF success when an older woman uses’ donor egg, the chances of success increase by 55 per cent.  Embryo transfer is a proven way to deal with the problem of dual infertility, and it exhibits a fair amount of success in IVF. Embryo donation has a success rate comparable to egg donation.


Habits and lifestyle have a significant effect on the success rate of IVF. For instance, you need to stop smoking before three months of treatment commencement. It optimizes the chances of conceiving successfully. A long history of smoking may make it necessary to have:

  • Higher hormonal doses for ovarian stimulation which lowers the success rate in IVF
  • Implantation rate also goes down among smokers
  • To have a baby smoker may need more number of IVF cycles
  • Smokers suffer from poor fertilization rate

Men are also at risk of high smoking which may result in low sperm count, low motility, and abnormal sperms.


The success of the IVF rate goes down among obese women. Likewise, women who are malnourished and have very low body weight are also at the risk of a lower IVF success rate. Obese men have low sperm count and poor sperm motility. Having a normal weight improves semen quality and reduces erectile dysfunction.


Women who exercise moderately have a higher success rate with IVF. Similarly, men who exercise three times a day for at least one hour have good quality sperm which is motile and present in large numbers.


Consuming caffeine in excessive amounts may lead to delayed conception. People who consume caffeine in moderation are also at risk of lowered pregnancy and a higher rate of miscarriage.

Alcohol Intake

Women who are having a drink more than four times a week are at a greater risk of experiencing a failed IVF procedure and men may also suffer from low sperm count, poor motility, and deformed sperm. It has been found that semen parameters improve considerably when abstained from alcohol consumption for three months.     

Drugs for recreation

Women who consume marijuana experience infertility, and men may suffer from low libido poor sperm motility and diminished counts. These effects are reversible when its consumption is discontinued for a long period.

Excessive use of cellphone

Clinical studies conducted on animals have shown that electromagnetic radiation emitted from cell phones casts a harmful effect on ovaries, uterus, and even embryos. Sperms that are exposed to such radiations have low motility and get reduced in number along with formational abnormalities.

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