Progenesis IVF success stories

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Working day in and day out with couples to help them conceive a child of their own is a highly demanding task and yet it’s something that we, at Progenesis, love doing. Our offices are full of stories of desperate couples who come to us with hopes of becoming parents to their own child.

Dr. Narhari Malagaonkar, the driving force behind Progenesis Fertility Center, treats these hopeful couples using a proven combination of extensive counseling, thorough diagnostic tests, and quality fertility treatments. The latter is what distinguishes Progenesis from other clinics and has become our strong point. For instance, Dr. Malagaonkar is one of India’s top specialists as far as treating cases of multiple IVF failure is concerned. When a couple undergoes multiple cycles of IVF and still fails to conceive a child, it is said to be an IVF failure issue. However, Dr. Malagaonkar has mastered the science of treating such cases by employing methods like ICSI and IUI, which reduce the impact that any unexplained infertility causes might be having on the effectiveness of regular IVF treatment. These success stories are of couples who came to us after consulting other clinics or trying to conceive a child naturally for many years without success.

At Progenesis Fertility Center, couples are served with state of the art infertility treatments that include IVF, ICSI, IUI, and surrogacy, among others.

Progenesis IVF success stories

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