PCOD Diet: Foods to Eat & Avoid While Suffering from PCOD

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Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a condition in which the ovaries discharge a large number of immature or partially mature eggs, which develop into cysts. PCOD treatment and diet aims to reduce the intensity of symptoms. Nearly one-third of all women worldwide suffer from PCOD.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a common endocrine condition affecting people who have ovaries. A well-balanced and planned diet is essential for managing PCOD. The appropriate nutrition can have a big impact on PCOD symptoms by regulating hormones, managing weight, and improving general health.

In this post, we’ll explore the correct diet plan for PCOD , cover what foods to consume and avoid, and give you a PCOD diet chart to help you make informed dietary decisions. The PCOD diet chart for weight loss not only helps you lose a few pounds but also manages your symptoms. Remember that individual responses to nutrition might vary, so consult with a healthcare practitioner or a qualified dietitian before making any significant dietary changes.

Foods to Eat in PCOD

Here are the foods to eat in PCOD:

1. High-Fiber Foods: Insulin resistance is common in PCOD, and integrating high-fiber foods into your diet will help stabilize blood sugar levels. Incorporate whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread, as well as legumes such as lentils and beans, into your PCOD diet plan for weight loss.

2. Lean Proteins: Including protein in your PCOD diet plan can help you manage it along with managing thyroid. Choose lean protein sources such as fish, tofu, skinless chicken, and lentils.

3. Healthy Fats: Healthy fats are necessary for overall health and hormone production. Avocados, nuts (including almonds and walnuts), and seeds (such as flaxseeds and chia seeds) are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are also significant in the PCOD diet chart for vegetarians. 

4. Low-Glycemic Index (GI) carbs: To help balance blood sugar levels, choose carbs with a low glycemic index. This category includes foods such as sweet potatoes, steel-cut oatmeal, and whole-grain pasta. They must be included in the PCOS diet chart for weight loss.

5. Antioxidant-Rich Fruits: Berries, cherries, and other colorful fruits are high in antioxidants, which can help combat the inflammation and oxidative stress associated with PCOD.

6. Green Leafy Vegetables: Kale, spinach, and broccoli are high in essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, folate, and iron. They should be included in a PCOS diet plan since they improve hormone balance and overall wellness.

7. Dairy Alternatives: If you are lactose intolerant or prefer dairy-free options, fortified plant-based milks such as almond milk or soy milk are wonderful choices. They give the necessary calcium and vitamin D without the potential negative effects of dairy products in PCOD.

8. Herbal Teas: Two herbal teas, spearmint and green tea, may help manage PCOD symptoms. Spearmint tea contains anti-androgens, which can help lower the excess male hormones linked with PCOS. Green tea is high in antioxidants and may help improve insulin sensitivity.

Also Read: Difference Between PCOD & PCOS

Foods to Avoid in PCOD

Here are the foods to avoid in PCOD:

1. Processed meals: Highly processed meals, such as sugary snacks, fast food, and sugary cereals, are often high in refined sugars and harmful fats. These can cause blood sugar increases, weight gain, and increased insulin resistance, resulting in PCOD.

2. Sugary Beverages: Sugary soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks should be avoided. They are generally high in added sugars, which can quickly raise blood sugar levels.

3. Extremely Sugary Foods: Cakes, pastries, sweets, and other sugary food items should be consumed in moderation, if at all. Their high sugar content might cause rapid blood sugar fluctuations.

4. Excessive Caffeine: While moderate caffeine consumption is normally harmless, it can disturb hormone balance. Limit caffeine-containing beverages, such as coffee, in your PCOS and thyroid diet plan.

5. Red Meat: Excessive consumption of red meat, particularly processed red meats such as sausages and hot dogs, has been linked to an increased risk of PCOD.

Also Read: Can I get Pregnant with PCOD/PCOS?

PCOD Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Here’s a PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) diet chart designed for Indian food preferences, given in table form:

MealFoods to IncludeNotes
Early Morning– Soak 5 almonds or walnuts in warm water with lemon or methi seeds overnight.Improves metabolism and supplies healthy fats.
Breakfast– Oats dosa or multigrain roti with sambar.
– Vegetable poha with sprouts
– Idli with coconut chutney.
Includes protein and complex carbohydrates.
Mid-Morning– A tiny bowl of fruits (such as papaya, guava, apple, or berries).
– A single glass of buttermilk or green tea.
Avoid sweet fruits such as grapes and mangoes.
Lunch– 1-2 multigrain rotis or a small dish of brown rice.
– Dal or legumes (chana, rajma).
– Mixed veggie sabzi.
– Salad with cucumber, carrots, and beetroot.
Use less oil, preferably olive or mustard oil.
Afternoon Snack– A handful of roasted chana or almonds.
– A single cup of herbal or green tea.
Avoid deep fried appetizers.
Evening Snack– Vegetable soup or sprout chaat.
– Roasted Makhana.
Keeps hunger at bay without increasing calories.
Dinner-Quinoa or millet khichdi with veggies, grilled paneer/tofu, or a small bowl of dal.- Steamed vegetables or salad.Keep the meal light and consume it 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Bedtime– One cup of warm turmeric milk (haldi doodh) mixed with almond milk or low-fat milk. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder for flavor.Improves sleep and helps manage insulin levels.

Also check: Best age to Conceive With PCOS

Additional suggestions for a PCOD diet:

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water all day. Herbal drinks, such as spearmint, can also help regulate hormones.
  • Portion Control: To keep your blood sugar constant, eat smaller portions at regular intervals.
  • Workout: Combine this diet with regular exercises such as yoga, walking, or weightlifting.


A carefully designed PCOD diet chart can have a significant impact on PCOS symptoms. By eating the proper foods and avoiding those that may aggravate the disease, you can promote hormone balance, lose weight, and improve your general quality of life. It is critical to work with a healthcare expert or dietitian to develop a personalized PCOD diet chart for weight loss and hormonal balance that is tailored to your individual needs. Remember that making simple, sustainable modifications to your diet can result in substantial benefits in your PCOS journey.

FAQs on PCOD Diet

Should people with PCOS avoid milk?

Dairy should be avoided if you have PCOS, particularly if your testosterone or androgen levels are higher.

Are peanuts harmful for PCOS?

Peanuts can be consumed in a PCOS-friendly diet, but moderation is essential. Consult a nutritionist for personalized dietary suggestions.

Which fruit is good for PCOD?

Fruits should undoubtedly be included in your diet plan for PCOD. You may include fruits such as red grapes, cherries, blues, blackberries, strawberries, and apples into your diet.

Can I eat rice in PCOD?

Yes, you may eat rice if you’re dealing with PCOD, but you should avoid consuming a lot and choose whole grains over refined ones.

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