In Vitro Fertilization for Male Factor Infertility

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There are a lot of infertility problems in this world that are because of the male factor infertility. Generally, we don’t consider men to have any infertility problems. Let us face it, infertility is a couple’s problem, and they should face it like a team. There are a lot of men who are diagnosed with this male factor infertility, and they have very complex issues.

Recent studies have shown that more than 30% of the infertility cases that are treated in India are due to male factor infertility. Though this is a huge number, not many consults the Ob/Gyn physicians about their infertility problems, maybe due to a lack of knowledge of the infertility. If this is the thing with you, then meet with the best infertility specialist in Thane in Progenesis.

It is imperative to note that due to male factor infertility, many experiences low self-esteem and other negative emotions like guilt, anger, and sorrow. Hence, no matter if it is male factor, female factor, it needs to be faced with proper care.

Factors Contributing to Male Factor Infertility

 Many factors can contribute to male infertility, and they are mainly because of structural abnormalities, ejaculatory problems, and immunologic disorders. You can break them into different types like Productive and obstructive. In some infertility cases, the production of the sperm is impacted, and in some cases, the obstructive cases happen when the transportation of the sperm to the semen doesn’t happen.

If you are facing problems with your fertility, you can try IVF methods or In Vitro Fertilization for Male Factor infertility with the help of Progenesis. The efficient team of Progenesis helps people to take better IVF methods and to undergo successfully from the same, leading to improvement in the fertility rates. To continue explaining the male factor infertility, let’s discuss further.

Your fertility may be affected if there are some disturbances in the reproductive systems. There may be a problem with the flow of sperm or the seminal fluid. Some of them can be from birth, or it can be because of an infection in the urogenital tract. It can be because of sperm production disorders or due to vasectomy.

You may also have sperm production problems, ejaculatory disorders. These are preventing the sperm from reaching the female. It may be due to retrograde ejaculation or impotence. Infertility can be due to immunology disorders like endocrine disorders, anti-sperm antibodies. These disorders affect fertility by not allowing the sperm to meet and penetrate the egg in the female genital tract.

How to Get the Male Factor Infertility Treatment?

 Now that we know the problems, you, as a couple, can face this and consult the best IVF specialist in Thane and understand the different ways to treat the infertility treatment.

Some couples can undergo the in vitro fertilization treatment or the IUI. IVF works for those couples where the sperm count is extremely low, and there is low motility or shape.

So the evaluation of male infertility is the first step to take towards the male factor infertility diagnosis. There is a physical examination, and your history is taken into consideration. Then, there is a semen analysis, and after this, if there are abnormalities noticed, then there is further testing.

Methods of helping are discussed, like IVF or in vitro fertilization. Though this is for female infertility management, you can expect results for males. A mix of IVF and ICSI or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection method can help you out to achieve the results.

This happens where the procedure allows the injection of a single sperm in the oocyte, and they also provide the genetic offspring to men who have very fewer numbers of motile sperm in the semen analysis test done before. They may also require surgical harvesting.

IVF is mainly for those couples who cannot pass the less aggressive therapy too, and their first line of treatment is for those couples where the tubal factor or the severe male factor infertility is prevalent.

Here, in the ICSI process, there is an injection of single sperm in the oocyte of the females to promote fertilization. The modern-day IVF involves many technologically advanced procedures where there are many processes like multi follicular development, prevention of spontaneous ovulation, oocyte maturation, oocyte retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer.


 Hence, if you think that you are suffering from infertility, the first step to take is to take a doctor’s appointment and consult an infertility specialist. Also, you can first check with your urologist and talk about what you think.

If you are not sure that you are infertile, an evaluation can surely help. There are a lot of new diagnostic treatment methods and a hospital trustworthy like Progenesis, can help you out in this. You can come out of any difficulty if you take the first step and talk about this to your doctor. If you think you have a malefactor infertility, then you as a couple can visit the great IVF specialists in Thane, in Progenesis. The last piece of advice will be- Get a regular check-up and keep your health in check.

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