Early Signs of Pregnancy

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The best news broken to a couple is about pregnancy. It is a joyous moment in the couple’s and family’s life.

For some, pregnancy comes as a surprise and for some, pregnancy comes after years of hardships. In any way, the news of a new member joining the family in a few days is always very exciting.

In naturally conceived pregnancy, the first month mostly goes unnoticed. The alarm rings when the woman misses her period and then after some external or clinical tests, the pregnancy is confirmed.

While in IVF treatment or any other alternative methods of conceiving the treatment is long and the woman is run through pregnancy tests every now and then. The news of the pregnancy, in this case, comes right away.

There are some misconceptions about pregnancy symptoms that may be common with some other disease which might ring a false alarm about pregnancy. If on testing for pregnancy, the tests yield negative results, it might be extremely disheartening for the couple.

While in some cases, the couple may be leading their life normally and treating the pregnancy symptoms as some mild discomfort and that might take a toll on the health of the child and the mother.

To avoid the pain of getting a false alarm, it is always better to be cent percent sure about pregnancy. To help you avoid confusion and be assured about your pregnancy, here we have compiled all the symptoms of pregnancy that indicate that it’s time for you to take a pregnancy test:

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