Difference between fertility in men and women?

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When we talk about fertility and infertility we assume that every male and female is born fertile and it is due to some clinical and non-clinical conditions that lead to their infertility! Wrong! Most infertile people are born with the disorder while others develop it in the process of their lives.

While infertility is a sensitive issue for both the partners and their respective family and friends, the people suffering must deal with it positively. People must realize that infertility should not be seen with any stigmas attached to it, rather it must be taken as any other diseases or disorder that a person may suffer in his or her lifetime.

And when it comes to linking genders to the disorder, the fingers mostly point at the women first, whether or not she is infertile! The fertility factors and the conditions of infertility differ in both the males and females and it has nothing to do with one’s gender.

Unlike before, today there are more options for fertility treatment and the infertile couples must not worry about the same. They can still be parents to their own biological child through the IVF processes and thus, the hope must never die!

Fertility in men and women

The factors of fertility differ in the case of men and women. While the attainment of puberty mostly occurs early in females, it delays by a few years in case of males. The ways to confirm whether a male is fertile or not include a close study of his sexual behaviour and other important factors related to his reproductive health.

Also, males have longer terms of fertility than females. Any man can give birth to a child till the time he is capable of producing healthy sperms, even if it means till very old age. But in the case of women, there is no chance of pregnancy after reaching the stage of menopause.

The most productive age group of fertile men starts from 20 years and can even exceed till the age of 80 while in case of women it starts from the age of 20 and the fertility starts decreasing till the time she reaches her mid-30s.

So, it is always recommended by health experts that women must have their first child within their late 20s to avoid any cases of miscarriages or complexities in their pregnancy.

Certain habits are responsible for a reduced male fertility factor which includes

  • Consumption of heavy alcohol or smoking
  • Being overweight
  • Consumption of harmful drugs
  • Being overly stressed or being in a very unhealthy mental health condition
  • Overheating of the testicles
  • Having infections in the sex organ or around the testicles
  • Sleep disorder
  • Hormonal imbalance

These factors in a male are often responsible for reducing their fertility and hence shows up symptoms of infertility in them. Also, it results in decreased sperm production, inability to perform well while performing sexual intercourse, lack of interest in having physical intimacy, etc.

The factors that impact female fertility rates include

  • Age; it is one of the most common fertility factors in women which differs in case of men.
  • Genetic disorders
  • Hormonal issues
  • Gynaecological issues
  • Medical history or clinical conditions that had prevailed from a longer period and is left untreated.
  • Infections in the reproductive systems.
  • Stress and anxiety.
  • Excessive weight gain.

All these factors affect female fertility rates in a faster way and show up signs of fertility which must be taken seriously by the individuals. Seeking immediate help is recommended whenever you face any trouble with your reproductive health as because the more you delay treatments, the more prone you are to becoming permanently infertile.

The final take

The phase of infertility on any Peron’s life isn’t easy. It involves too many emotional and physical breakdowns and getting over the fact that you are unable to give birth is tough. Some people might take it positively but others find it difficult to deal with. But with growing advanced techniques available today for the infertile couples, the rays of hope have definitely widened.

People understand that being infertile and not having a child are no more connected; you can still have your own child even though you are infertile. Thanks to the developed IVF processes of childbirth! Also, there is nothing like infertility can be a disorder in only the females and men are immune to it. It’s only a myth that surrounds the uneducated people. Infertility is totally a disorder which can affect any human being irrespective of their gender.

The fertility factors of men and women differ at various stages and thus, it would be foolish to blame only the women whenever a couple faces the conditions of an inability of childbirth. Thus, people suffering from such issues might immediately consult a fertility expert to know the exact cause of it and thereon continue with the treatments processes to get desired results!

Featured Image: People photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com

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