Building a family after recurrent pregnancy loss

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It can be very difficult to deal with the physical and emotional trauma of a pregnancy loss. Despondency sets in, leaving you hopeless for the future. Recovering from a pregnancy loss takes time. Many couples become desperate to conceive right away to overcome the feeling of hurt. However, your subsequent pregnancy may not turn out to be a blissful and redeeming experience if you had miscarriages before; you may suffer from anxiety and fear that something may go wrong.

Understanding the problem

In contemporary times, miscarriages are far more common than what people think or consider. As per stats, more than a quarter of pregnant women will have the misfortune of miscarriages. Astonishingly, many women experiencing a miscarriage will never know that they were pregnant in the first instance. Nearly two percent of them will be troubled by recurrent pregnancy losses. It goes to say that when a woman has to endure more than one confirmed pregnancies terminating prematurely, it is medically termed as recurrent pregnancy loss.

There are several reasons which may be underlying a recurrent pregnancy loss. For instance, there may be genetic abnormalities in the sperm or egg. It, unfortunately, results in the growth of a genetically abnormal embryo. In the majority of these cases, the woman will suffer a miscarriage as the pregnancy turn out to be unviable. Also, the genetic abnormality can be a result of gene defects in either parent resulting in poor egg quality due to advanced maternal age. Other causes may include problems with the uterus or uterine cavities like the presence of polyps, fibroid, or abnormal shape.

Recovering emotionally 

Nothing can be more painful in life than losing a child. Dealing with miscarriage is never easy. If you are in the extreme distresses following a pregnancy loss, allow yourself the time to grieve and mourn. Remember that emotional recovery is a time-consuming affair, and it will take longer than physical recovery.

Recovering Physically

To recover physically from a miscarriage, it generally takes a woman only one normal menstrual cycle. It means it may take around four to six weeks so that your periods restores to the state of normalcy.

Dealing with recurrent pregnancy losses 

If you have suffered more than three pregnancy losses, you must see a specialist in this area. Most obstetrician-gynecologists can address your problem. Else, they may refer you to the best IVF center in Thane, who is having a maternal-fetal specialist or a reproductive endocrinologist.

Tips for future pregnancy

You can adopt the following practices to maximize your chances of a healthy pregnancy. 

  • Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly
  • Have a daily dose of folic acid through a supplement or multivitamin
  • Resort to prenatal and preconception care
  • If you are trying to conceive or if you are pregnant then stay away from smoking, drinking alcohol, and using illicit drugs
  • Get checked and if necessary get treatment for sexually transmitted diseases
  • Minimize the consumption of caffeine
  • Cooperate with your health care provider. Together you can work on keeping yourself and your baby healthy.

Options available

There is still hope if you are suffering from recurrent pregnancy loss. First, you need to consult a fertility specialist. He or she will try to dig deeper into the problem to its root. In this process, they will recommend several tests to uncover any underlying health issue responsible for recurrent miscarriages. Some tests that may be helpful for this purpose are:

  • Genetic Testing
  • Hormone Testing
  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Saline Infused Sonogram
  • Ultrasound

Through these tests, the fertility expert can understand if there is any abnormality in your uterus, detect the presence of fibroid or polyps interfering with a healthy pregnancy, or if there is a genetic or hormonal issue that is responsible for recurring pregnancy losses.

If you are diagnosed with the presence of polyps or fibroid or any other uterine defects, surgical procedures can be useful in correcting the problem and help you to successfully conceive and deliver a child. If there are hormonal issues, medication may be prescribed to restore the hormones to an acceptable level. If the underlying problem is a genetic one, you may be recommended to opt for IVF with pre-implantation genetic testing. It will help you identify which embryos are genetically normal and implant those in your uterus for a healthy pregnancy.

The last ray of hope

In most cases, women who are troubled with repeated pregnancy loss can achieve and maintain their pregnancy to term following the right fertility treatment. For others, they have to think about other alternative family building options like sperm donation, surrogacy, or egg donation. These measures can help most couples to start the family of their dreams. You must never lose hope and do the best that is possible.

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