Anti-Müllerian Hormone Test: 6 Things You Should Know

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If you are planning to have an infertility treatment, then the anti-Mullerian hormone test will throw light on the state of your health as far as conceiving is concerned.

AMH or Anti Mullerian Hormone: What is it?

The granulose cells secrete the Anti-Mullerian hormone. This hormone is responsible for the growth of follicles in the ovaries’ early development stages. The level of AMH in the body influences the ovarian reserve. It goes to say that it dictates the quantity and not the quality of ovary follicles. It also serves as a PCOS marker.

If you have been trying or planning to conceive, remember that the levels of the anti-Mullerian hormone will turn out to be a determining factor. Since 2002 AMH is considered to be an ovarian reserve marker. The success of fertility treatment depends to a great extent on ovarian reserve and thus, it is perceived as a strong indicator.

You need to check your AMH levels if you are undergoing examination for diagnosing infertility causes. This is because the anti-Mullerian hormone tests will answer important questions like:

  • How is your ovarian reserve?
  • Are there enough eggs to ensure a successful IVF, and how will the ovaries respond to the stimulation?
  • If you wish to plan for pregnancy in the near future, is it necessary to freeze an egg?

Levels of AMH

AMH levels in a healthy woman increase during early adulthood, and as she ages, it begins to diminish until becoming undetectable. There is total exhaustion of the pool of growing follicles about five years before reaching menopause.

Factors influencing AMH levels

Low levels of AMH can be the outcome of several factors. Some of them are discussed below:

  • Age: As you age the levels of AMH decreases as a natural course of action. Hence, there is a perception that age and fertility are interrelated. When a woman crosses the age of 35, the level of AMH decreases considerably.
  • Hormonal Disorders: The levels of AMH may be adversely affected by pre-existing hormonal disorders and medically distressing conditions of the reproductive system. For example, a surge of AMH levels is found in women suffering from PCOS.
  • Ovarian Surgery: If you have previously undergone a surgery for the treatment of ovarian cyst, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian torsion chances of lower AMH levels greatly increases.
  • Stress: One of the major inhibitors of AMH is stress. A reduction in stress level is imperative to conceive successfully. It has been found that woman living under constant stress and mental pressure finds it hard to conceive.

The deficiency of vitamin D is greatly responsible for affecting fertility and levels of AMH hormone.

What is AMH Test?

It is a simple blood test done in the laboratory to determine the levels of AMH. You can get it done at an IVF centre in Thane. The lab will collect around 3ml of a blood sample. You can get it done at any day during the course of your monthly cycle as AMH levels do not change when you are menstruating. It will take an hour or two for delivering the reports or even a day or two. It all comes down to the facilities where you are getting the test done.

Implications of AMH test results

A concentration of above 3.0 ng/ml is alarming. It indicates either the presence of too many smaller follicles, PCOS, or there is a risk of OHSS, i.e. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome in case of Assisted Reproductive Treatment or ART.

AMH level between 3.0 ng/ml and 0.7 ng/ml indicates the ovarian reserves are normal and possible there are other factors that are responsible for infertility.

If the AMH concentration is between 0 and 0.6 ng/ml, it indicates that you have a low ovarian reserve. You should not be despondent because it does not mean that there is no chance of conceiving successfully. As a remedial course of action, your doctor may recommend IVF or FSH stimulation. Remember that low levels of AMH are a sign that you are close to hitting menopause.

What can you do to conceive if your AMH levels are low?

Yes low levels of AMH clearly signify a drop in your ovarian reserve, but it does not imply that you cannot conceive naturally. Until now, there are no clinically proven ways of increasing your AMH levels. However, if you are trying to conceive, you need to take all the possible measures to optimize your chances of conceiving successfully.

Some ways in which you may be benefited are as follows:

  • Vitamin D supplementation: Low AMH and vitamin D deficiency are closely related. You can take appropriate supplementation to enhance vitamin D levels.
  • L-arginine supplementation:  It is known to improve ovarian function. Your doctor may recommend a daily intake of 4 to 5 milligrams.
  • Abdominal Massage: Improving blood circulation to the ovaries will better its functioning. Abdominal massage can be of great help in this regard.
  • Reducing Stress: You need to get plenty of sleep and rest well for minimizing stress when you are trying to get pregnant.


If you know the levels of AMH, you can opt for the best course of treatment to resolve infertility issues. It will help your doctor to formulate a treatment plan for getting optimal results.

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