9 Ways to Practice Self Care During Social Distancing

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We know that Coronavirus has stopped the life of all the people in the world. It has resulted in a screeching halt. All these things are making us anxious, as it will take time for us to adjust this new routine, as social distancing is something which we must follow in these days. But there are something which you can do in these days, although not essential.

Stay healthy, stay nourished.

This is something which we usually avoid in our routine busy life. In this high-stress environment, it is important to keep your digestion upright. To do this, increase the intake of nutritious foods, drink enough water, and stay away from junk food. Food packed with antioxidants and low sugar boost the immune system to a significant extent, and this helps our body to fight with the virus. Be involved in cooking. Take this situation an opportunity to play with herbs and spices of the kitchen for making delicious, yet healthy food.

Take a soothing bath.

How long do you take a bath in your normal routine before Coronavirus? Probably, 10 minutes. Now increase this time and have a relaxing bath with bubbles, salts, candles, face masks, and oils. This is what you might have desired in your busy schedule. It’s the time to do this and soothe your mind. Bathing not only cleans your body but also allows you to spend some peaceful time with yourself, for giving you mental peace free from stress.

Embrace your hobby

Well! We never get time to do what we like the most. As in our busy routine, we never get free time. So, do it now. Be involved in the hobby just for fun; don’t do things for showing it on social media. Do something with your hands, be involved in crocheting, embroidery, woodworking, gardening, painting, or anything which gives you great relief.

Stay active, boost your mood.

A stressful situation can tense up your muscles. In the situation of social distancing, you are forced to remain at home, and this increases the importance of staying active. Do exercise, as it minimizes stress hormones of the body and enhances the natural production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers of the body. Another way which you can do from the comfort zone of your home is self-massage. When the muscles are contracted, our body loses elasticity, which can make you feel tired and exhausted. Massage regulates blood flow, which can make you feel more energetic and free.

Emphasize on meditation and breathing technique

Meditate for relaxing your mind. Panicking, worrying can do nothing in this situation. These things can make your immune system more vulnerable when your mind is unstable. Meditation can give stability to your mind, and it is recommended to do it twice-once in the morning and again before going to sleep. This is a thumb rule for soothing your mind. You can also try some breathing techniques for achieving a state of consciousness. You can try taking 10 deep breaths in a short time of 2-3 minutes.

Remain entertained with your family

This is the time when you can watch TV. But there are shows which are stressful and depressing. Avoid those. Listen to some of your favorite songs, watch some comedy movies with your family. As we never get time to spend with our family. You can watch some kids channel with your children. In this way, you can share some moments with them, which they will always appreciate. Obviously, you can’t go outside, but there are indoor games which you can enjoy with your family and kids.

Break relations with fake news and social media

It is important to keep yourself informed regarding what’s going on outside, but don’t overdo it with continuous updates, which can make you more anxious. You may find it difficult to stay away from such news, but try to gather news from some reputed news channels instead of believing in some fake news and rumor which gets viral on social media and other platforms.

Invest time in reading

Read some good books. If you are fond of reading, then it’s the good time to relax and read as much as you can. Books are the best friends of human beings. Read some motivational or positive attitude books for keeping your morale high. Engage your mind with books.

You are not alone!

This is true. There are millions of people who are in their homes right now. Assume that social distancing is giving you a chance to do the things for which you never get time in your busy schedule. So enjoy this period and stay positive.

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